Chapter 12: The Diary

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A/N: Hullo everyone! I'm really really sorry for not updating in like...a week! I'll try to update more, but it's hard now that I'm at the family cottage in Canada and stuff. My cousins are coming in less than a week, which means even more delays, but I'll try my best to update as much as I can, promise. 

Special thanks to Charlie Pottah (@The_Slytherin_Queen9), FlowerPrincess (@FlowerPrincess692) and Lloyd Lewis (@Test_test_7) for all their comments and support! 

Anyways let's get on with Chapter 12.

Third Person P.O.V.

January died out, and February took it's place, meaning Valentine's day was yet coming closer. 

After overhearing Filch complaining to Dumbledore about all his workload and deciding to leave, Harry an Ron headed back to the common room to find Kai and tell her about what they had just overheard.

"And then he left!" Ron said excitedly.

"Filch is gone?" George asked from behind them.

Kai nodded, "Sure is!" she then got up and high five-d both of the twins, "Good work, boys."

After the twins left, Kai  returned to the armchair opposite Harry and Ron.

"What do you mean 'good work'?" Ron asked  his face showing his immense confusion.

"Oh, we just maybe had a lot to do with that, aaaand..." Kai began, grinning mischievously.

Harry grinned back, high five-ing his little sister once she had finished telling the two older boys about what she had done. He quickly made a mental note to add that into his next letter home.


After an extremely long day full of classes the two Potters headed to the second floor. Rumours were spread that something had happened to Myrtle, who was attempting to kill herself.

They walked into the bathroom, only to find the floor knee-deep and flooded. Glancing at her older brother in worry and confusion, Kai turned to the furthest compartment, where sobbing could be heard.

"Hi Myrtle." Kai greeted kindly, "is everything alright? What happened?"

Myrtle floated out of the the compartment with a final sob and turned to the two. She began explaining how someone had thrown a book at her. She explained how she tried to drown herself and how she remembered that she was already dead and...she was sobbing hard the entire time, and by that point the two had stopped listening, deep in thought. 

"Where's the book now?" Harry asked once he saw her mouth finish speaking. Myrtle simply pointed and began to sob hard again, disappearing down a toilet before either Potter could ask who had thrown it. The two siblings  walked over to where the ghost had pointed and picked up the old book. 

"It's a diary." Harry pointed out. He turned it around and examined the back. 

"T. M. Riddle." Kai thought out loud, trying to remember where she had heard that name before.

"Who's that?" Harry asked.

"Honestly, Potter, you act like I know." Kai shook her head sarcastically, "Wait! I read about a T.M. Riddle once in Hogwarts: A History. He got a reward for special services to the school, fifty years ago. It didn't say what he did, but maybe it'll be inside his diary."

Harry slowly opened the book. It was empty. He began flicking through the pages, but they were all empty. 

"So much for that." Kai said turning to leave. She had better things to do than an old diary. Harry, however, kept the book and stuffed it into his pocket. 

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