Chapter 1: Hogwarts

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"Harry, Kai! Get down here, you're going to be late!" Sirius Black called from downstairs.

"Coming, Uncle Padfoot!" A 12-year-old Harry Potter yelled back from upstairs,

"C'mon, Kai." Harry and Kai raced out of the room and down the stairs. They sat at the table in their usual seats, shoveling eggs and bacon down their throats. Remus and Sirius each took the hand of their godchild, and apparated to Kings Cross. When they werent able to get through the barrier, Sirius realized there was a wall infront of it, which Remus (secretly so the Muggles wouldn't see) bursted it open. Running through the barrier between platforms 9 and 10, the four arrived on platform 9 ¾.

"Bye!" Sirius said, pulling Kai into a hug, "Have fun!"

"Make sure to write!" Remus said, it was now his turn to hug Kai.

"Bye Uncle Padfoot, bye Uncle Moony!" Kai gave them each a last hug, before jumping onto the red steam engine, the Hogwarts Express. She followed her big brother, who had taken their trunks, into a compartment with his friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Harry said hello, before sitting down next to Ron.

"Hi, Ron." Kai greeted. She hugged Hermione "Hi, Hermione."

"Hi, Kai." they chorosed. The train ride was amazing. Hermione made them change into robes half an hour before they arrived.

"Good luck, Kai." Harry hugged his little sister. "Don't fall in." Hermione reminded. They walked over to the carriages. Kai however was a first year, so she had to take the boats across the lake with Hagrid.


Harry, Ron and Hermione sat at the Gryffindor table. The sorting ceremony had begun.

"Adams, Jason!" McGonagall called up the first student, who bacame a Ravenclaw. 

Name after name was called, and student after student joined their new house. 

"Lovegood, Luna!" McGonagall called. Luna became a Ravenclaw and joind the other first years at the Ravenclaw table

"Malfoy, Ara!" McGonagall called for the millionth time. A white-blonde haired girl made her way to the front of the line. She had blue-grey eyes and pale skin. She glanced at her big brother, who smilled encouragingly, he had saved a spot for her, just as Harry, Ron and some others had done. The girl sat down on the stool and the Sorting Hat was placed on her head, which unlike her brother, took it's time to place her.

"Hmm, interesting. Very different from the other Malfoys and Blacks I've sorted. Interesting, very interesting. Let me would do great in Gryffindor. No?" The Sorting Hat thought inside Ara's head, who had begun to whisper "Not Gryyfindor. Slytherin, please Slytherin." "In that case, must be..."-his voice raised to a bellow-"SLYTHERIN!" The Slytherins clapped in a mannered fashion, as she joined the table, and sat on the seat her brother had saved for her. 

"Potter, Kai!" Mcgonagall read off the list of new students. There was a murmur of whispering, as Kai walked over to the chair and sat down. Harry gave her a thumbs up, before her vision was broken by the sorting hat.

"Hmm" the sorting had said, "tricky one, just like your brother. Slytherin would do well...Very smart, I see, you are though. You would be a fine Ravenclaw-ah but no!" Kai nodded. "Must be...GRYFFINDOR!!!" The entire Hall burst into cheers, as Kai got up and walked to the table with the huge red and gold lion banner. She sat down next to her brother, on the seat he had saved for her.  Harry gave her a tight hug, as if saying "Good job" and "Welcome to the gang". They looked up to watch the rest of the ceremony, as a familiar name was called. 

"Weasley, Ginevra!" Professor Magonagall called. A ginger walked up to the chair and sat down.

"Ha! Another Weasley! I know just what to do with you...GRYFFINDOR!" The sorting hat bellowed. The ginger walked over to the cheering table of gryffindors, and sat down next to her older brothers.

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