Chapter 5: The Message in blood

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WARNING: includes bad language

Still Kai P.O.V.

I woke up, and immediately got out of bed. I looked around the room, Ginny was gone!

She never wakes up before eight on Sundays! Where is she?

I started to panic. I decided to go to Harry and Ron. And so, both were woken up by being pushed out of bed and onto the floor.

"What was-Are you ok, Kai?" Harry asked, as he saw me pacing the room. I shook my head.

"Ginny's gone. She never wakes up before eight on Sundays, and she's not in the common room." I explained, worry clearly in my voice.

"What?!" Ron shot up from the floor.

"Ginevra Weasley, your sister, is G-O-N-E." I almost yelled. At this Harry and Ron's other dorm mates, Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas, were awakened.

"What the hell-What is a girl doing here?!?" Seamus exclaimed, seeing Kai.

"I am Kai Potter, Harry's little sister,thank you. Therefore I have full right to be here." Kai said matter-of-factly, her hands on her hips. Ron looked at Seamus and Dean, before mouthing "You don't want to mess with her, trust me." he shook his head as he pointed at Kai. Dean seemed to understand, however Seamus...well...he kept on pushing.

"Well you're still in my dorm. How would you like it if I showed up in your dorm one morning and woke you up?" he questioned, thinking Kai could never find a backfire.

"Gladly." Kai said, a huge grin on her face. Harry and Ron were the only ones that knew what happened when a boy attempted to enter a girl's was physically impossible. Harry grinned alongside his sister.

"What are you on, grinning, Potter." he challenged.

Harry P.O.V.

"Well you're still in my dorm. How would you like it if I showed up in your dorm one morning?" Seamus questioned, he probably thought Kai couldn't backfire on this one.

Sorry to break your dreams on this one, Finnigan, but my little sister is the daughter of Lily Evans-Potter, and trust me, you don't want to mess with her. She's learnt from the experts.

"Gladly." Kai replied, a huge grin spread across her face. Then, a flashback came back...

Ron and I were headed to hers and Ginny's dorm. We were able to walk halfway up the staircase, before the entire staircase turned into an unclimbable slide. Again and again we tried, but again and again we failed. On the last try, we were able to make it to the top of the steps, before realizing that buckets of water were being magically poured on our heads, and the floor turned boiling hot. We stayed at the bottom of the staircase, dripping wet and shoes half-melted, not even bothering to try again, waiting for the two ginger girls to finally come down. It was physically impossible to enter a girls' dorm if you were a boy.

Snapping out of my day-dream, I grinned alongside my sister, I knew what she was thinking. She definitely had that James Potter side of her...

"What are you two grinning about, Potter." he spat.

"Shut up, Finnigan." Kai calmly, she turned to Ron and me, "We've got to inform Mcgonagall." with that she left the dorm.

From the stories Remus and Sirius told, she's exactly like Mum.

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