The Moonlight Rivalry Part 4: Conclusion

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"What happen at the Blue Sky jewel heist a month ago? To be exact, what happen between you and Conan on the roof?"

Kaito is in lost words, he didn't expect that he will question what happen between them instead of the reason why he steals

"You're a detective right? Why don't you figure it out?"
"I already did it for weeks but there are so many lack of information and no evidence to point out. The only thing I can do is faces one of you. But Conan didn't even want to tell me anything about that day and he just..."

Shinichi seems hesitated to continue which surprised the phantom thief. Shinichi then shake his head and faces him again

"Never mind so I have no choice to ask Kaito Kid instead. But I need a lot of time to make you explain everything so I can't do that in your heists so I have to ask directly to the person behind Kaito Kid for answers"

Kaito look at Shinichi who's very serious. He then smiles at the love toward his little brother and the funniest thing is that, Shinichi is easier getting his identity instead of evidences of what happen to the rivals which is laughable yet scary so Kaito quickly conclude that is Kudou Shinichi's biggest weakness. Which is he can't focus on a case that he always does like walk in the park if his little brother is involved. Kaito then gives in and sit on the window and faces outside

"That day... I happen to be in a very bad mood, from school and of course heists. It's just driving me crazy and Hakuba tailed me everyday... That heist get into my nerves because my magic trick that I have been working for months didn't work and looks like someone sabotage it"

Shinichi start to understand everything afterward, now he knows what Sonoko means about Kid sudden face change when facing the polices and his little brother

"I got the jewel and rush to the roof but instead it's not the jewel I'm looking for. I got quite angry so I quickly presume that the one who sabotage my magic trick is the only person there who can easily read my tricks which is... your little brother"



The door opens shows Conan who panting tiredly and see the phantom thief. The phantom thief become irritated and then tossed the blue jewel to Conan. The night sky was already filled with clouds which really complement on how Kid feel right now

"Just what is your reason huh?!" shout Kid in anger
"What?" asked Conan surprised

"Do you know how much work I have to do to make every heist! Do you know how much time and sweat I use to get this done but in the end I got nothing!"

Conan just stood there in surprised look by sudden thief outburst

"I know you just want fame for being Kid Killer and being famous without using your parents and brother's name but is it have to be this way?! You're just a kid who want to get known and got respected by many people right?!"

Conan face change immediately and became pale but he quickly brushed it and shows anger look to Kid

"What nonsense are you saying! What do you even know about me?!" shout Conan angrily
"Cih, just go away and don't interrupt me"

With that, the phantom thief turn around and let out a smoke bomb. He uses that chance to fly away from the rooftop. In the air, he just realizes what he has done... He let out his irritation to the one who see as his rival and a grade schooler that he adore for his skills

"What have I done..."

Conan then become angry and hit the wall hard beside him. Suddenly the cloud pour out water, Kid stop flying and then got rain shower on one of the roof buildings not far from the museum while Conan already inside near the door just look at the rain showing a very angry look. After he holds his emotions properly, he goes back to meet the police to give the jewel back

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