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Seated on a weathered bench in the park, I inhale deeply, attempting to quell the erratic rhythm of my heart. Wiping off the beads of sweat that have formed on my forehead, I carefully remove my earphones, tucking them into the pocket of my worn-out jacket. Despite the chilly embrace of the Sunday morning, the kind that makes you yearn for the warmth of your blanket and the solace of endless sleep, such luxuries evade me on this particular day. My mind, already deprived of rest, has been caught in a ceaseless run ever since the realization dawned upon me—I am on the precipice of a heartbreak.

As I sit there, contemplating the path ahead, the gravity of the situation sinks in. I grapple with the conflicting emotions within, torn between the desire to cling onto Samaksh, a man who could be 'the one' for me, and the harsh reality that I may have to let go. The final verdict lies in his hands, and regardless of the outcome, I must find the strength to accept it and forge ahead.

Samaksh, in my life, was like a fleeting ray of sunlight that managed to pierce through the dense clouds of darkness, sparking dreams of a shared future. Yet, the winds of change blew, and the ephemeral sunlight vanished, leaving behind a shadow of uncertainty.

Upon returning home, the atmosphere within the house buzzed with a newfound energy. Following the decision made by our mothers, preparations were underway for Samaksh and his family, who were to join us for dinner that evening. The prospect of this gathering infused the household with an air of anticipation.

To oversee the preparations and rituals, my maternal grandparents had come over, adding to the lively atmosphere. I had insisted on their presence, not just for the customary roles but because of the close bond I shared with them. During my childhood, I had spent most weekends at their house, given that they lived in the same city. The anticipation heightened as we learned that Samaksh's grandparents would also be in attendance, ensuring companionship for everyone.

Despite the preparations, I couldn't shake off the nervousness that gripped me about the upcoming evening. While Samaksh and I had exchanged texts over the past two days, our conversations had remained quite generic. Admittedly, I had only responded to his messages and hadn't made any efforts to sustain a conversation.

The day had swiftly passed, and the anticipated moment of their arrival was drawing near. I chosen a white floral kurti paired with jeans for the occasion.

As the doorbell resonated through the house, signaling their arrival, I hurriedly placed the last piece of cutlery on the table. The entire household gathered in the living room, and there I stood, momentarily rooted in place. Samaksh and his family had graciously entered, finding their places in the living room. Summoning my courage, I stepped into the room, only to find all eyes on me. Samaksh, with the same warm smile from our initial meeting, caught my gaze. Determining to stay composed, I greeted everyone with the widest smile I could conjure amid my nervousness, offering a namaste.

Seema aunty, Samaksh's mom, gestured for me to sit beside her. Engaging in light conversation on general topics, I felt the knots of nervousness gradually unravel. Meanwhile, Samaksh conversed with my family. When my mother stood to fetch snacks and beverages, Samaksh, demonstrating thoughtfulness, insisted on sharing a cup of hot chocolate with me, despite his apparent preference for coffee or tea—what he referred to as 'his life.' I smiled at his considerate gesture, although my heart sank just a little.

As everyone settled, the elders insisted that Samaksh and I retreat for some private time while they delved into their "elderly talks." It was then that Samaksh informed my parents about his elder brother and sister-in-law being unable to make it due to his sister-in-law feeling uneasy in her pregnancy. However, she was eager to meet me, so Samaksh proposed introducing us through a video call if I had no objections. He glanced at me, and I shook my head, indicating my agreement. In that moment, I realized it was the opportune time to address all the topics I hadn't broached during our initial meeting.

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