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LISA is frowning from time to time while scrunching up her nose, in her lap was her laptop and on her sides are folders that contained documents from her office.

She went off early last night and Joohyun, her now secretary was happy to hear from her that she will went out with friends from high school and quickly agreed but Lisa insisted to bring some work at home even though Joohyun said it was not really necessary that the documents can be wait and Joohyun only sighed in the end giving up.

Now, she's at the mini park of the school, she was waiting for Joohyun to go back since it was with her to assist her and left to grab some food for them. Then her phone rang off. She took her phone from her pocket and saw Moon's name so she answered it.

"What's up?"

"I must ask you that question, Puu."

"I'm stuck here with the documents."

"Can't wait in the office?"

"It can but I insisted."

"You're really killing yourself here, Puu."

"It's not that many, just some and besides Joohyun-unnie is here to assist me."

"Okay, that makes me feel at ease, don't forget later okay? Rabbit and chipmunk will join us, don't worry you will not feel left out."

"Yah!" and she chuckled and heard her chuckled too, "okay, let's just meet later, I will ask unnie."

"Good, good, see you later Puu."

"Yeah, see you later." And the call ended. Then she went back to check the documents.

Unknown to Lisa a pair of loving eyes was staring at her and it was Jennie. She missed her Lili. Seeing her like this, happy and frowning sometimes she wanted to embrace her tight and never let her go. But she frowned and her jaw tightened when she saw another woman handing Lisa a food and receive her smile then the woman sat beside her Lisa like they knew each other for a long time. How could she?


Jennie was alone in the mini park where she and Lisa usually went when they first went here on the first day of school and she remember all of her memories with Lisa. She missed her so bad.

"Felt all alone?"

Jennie widened her eyes and looked up and saw Moonbyul, "Byul-yi, oh my god what are you doing here?"

"Mm you didn't know that I'm here yesterday?"


"That's okay, you're busy with your boyfriend," and she sat beside Jennie, "Puu and I, well, not just us, but Rabbit and Chipmunk are there with me."

"I see."

"What's the matter?"

Jennie shook her head and put her knees up and rested her chin on it.

"You are lonely, aren't you? Missing Lisa?"

"I didn't know that we're slowly parting, I didn't get her texts anymore."

"Is your number same as before?"


"Really," and she took her phone then said Jennie's number then tried to call it then she look up to Jennie, "you will not answer it?"


"I'm calling you now."

"Really?" and she took her phone and she frowned and show it to Moon.

WHERE WE STARTED [Jenlisa Original]Where stories live. Discover now