Finale ★

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Word Count: 1498

"SIR," Friday sounded. "There is somebody waiting at the gates. Showing you the live footage now."

The avengers knew exactly who it was even before she showed the live footage. Peter and Rachel were awkwardly sitting opposite each other. Upon hearing what Friday said, all of their hearts started pumping faster. Suddenly, Delailah appeared out of the blue. Everybody got a shock and jumped in their seats.

Delailah waved gently and told them, "30 minutes until they run out of energy. Remember, call out my name and I will be there."

The avengers' minds started running wild. What to do? The live footage showed an army of hooded creatures that looked identical to the army that attacked them previously. Rachel was gulping every five seconds. She was feeling especially nervous.

Tony gestured to the avengers, and they marched to the gate. They did indeed see an army of hooded creatures that looked identical to the ones before. The only difference was the army of hooded creatures was bigger now.

The avengers took a deep breath in. They had no idea what they were going to do, but they had to stand their ground. Peter turned to look at Rachel. Rachel tried to avoid his eyes but it did not work. She finally made eye contact with him and he waved to her. She pushed back the lump in her throat and faced the front.

"Give us the spirit!" The Hooded Leader shouted firmly.

"No! We won't!" Tony shouted back.

The Hooded Leader replied with a smirk, "Well, then we will kill all of humanity."

The avengers felt their heart beating out of their chest. Now what?

Delailah reappeared and said, "25 more minutes."

"Delailah, is that enough time for them to kill all of humanity?" Steve asked.

Delailah calculated the equations in her head and told them they needed about five minutes to kill all of humanity. They sighed.

"Battle!" Tony screamed.

They charged towards the army of hooded creatures fiercely. The hooded creatures took out their staffs and banged them on the ground. The same thing happened again. Most of the avengers fell on the ground, unconscious, while Wanda, Thor and Rachel were still standing.

Wanda, Thor and Rachel turned to look at each other, and they exchanged terrified looks.

The hooded leader threatened menacingly, "Either one of you better give us the spirit now, or else all of humanity is doomed. Oh, and plus, we will kill your little group of people over there."

Wanda, Thor and Rachel were reeling in shock. They were already expecting for this to happen, but it was still immensely horrifying. Thor decided to fly up and use mjölnir to kill off some of the creatures (their energy was running out). Wanda and Rachel presumed this was their way out, and started using their powers on them. However, Rachel did not only use her magical powers, but also her martial arts. She also grabbed Clint's bow and arrow and started aiming at the hooded creatures. When she took down some of the hooded creatures, a glowing sensation spread in her heart and something dawned on her.

They kept on fighting the hooded creatures, but there seemed to be an infinite number of them. It was just too tough! They called out Delailah's name and she appeared again.

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