Calm ★

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Word count: 959

EYES opening, Rachel felt her head pounding as if she was hungover. Opening her eyes felt like a chore. Her eyes drifted around the white room she was in. She suddenly remembered that a bunch of hooded creatures captured her. She tried to stand up, but a rope was tightly wrapped around her legs and another one around her arms. She gasped. She turned her head to the left, and saw Thor and Wanda, who were still unconscious.

Rachel nudged them to wake up, "Guys!"

No response.

Rachel frowned and fear grew in her heart. It was bad enough that a bunch of hooded creatures kidnaped her, but it was worse that she had nobody to talk to. Though Wanda and Thor were there, they were unconscious, so Rachel still felt alone.

She tried again, "Wake up!"

Hope rose up in Rachel when she saw her mother's eyelashes flutter violently. (By the way, mind reading/controlling does not work when the victim is unconscious)

"Mom!" Rachel shouted. This made Wanda flinch and separate her eyelids suddenly.

Upon Wanda's return to consciousness, Rachel felt extremely gleeful. She was not alone anymore! In addition, her mother had just returned to consciousness.

Wanda's eyes landed on Rachel, and Wanda recalled what happened in her mind. Her mouth curled into a smile when she saw Rachel.

"Honey, are you okay?!" Wanda asked, caring for her daughter.

"Yeah, are you?" Rachel returned the care.

Wanda nodded and gulped.

"Have any idea where we are?" Wanda asked her daughter.

"Nope," Rachel answered. "I just woke up a few minutes ago. Should we wake Thor?"

"How, though?" Wanda asked.

Rachel shrugged and suggested they shout at Thor, which made Wanda howl with laughter. Though they were supposed to be freaking out since they were just kidnaped, they remained calm. The words 'remain calm' made Rachel recall what Wanda told her the day Rachel met the avengers.


Before meeting the avengers...

Rachel's palms were sweaty and she was trembling. After noticing her daughter's anxiety, Wanda told her, "Honey, don't be nervous. It's okay. All you have to do is remain calm. They'll love you!"



All of a sudden, Thor's eyes opened too, and the moment he saw Wanda and Rachel, he got a shock.

"Where are we?!" Thor shouted in fear.

"Don't know," Rachel answered calmly. "Probably not the avengers compound, though."

Wanda pursed her lips together and agreed with Rachel. They all sat in silence, minds flooding with horrifying thoughts about what was going to happen to them. They were all very powerful, but even they still felt scared sometimes.

Breaking the stillness, the door that had just appeared flung open. They whipped their heads around quickly, turning to look at another one of the hooded creatures. They could not tell them apart since they all looked the same. When the hooded creature closed the door, the door disappeared again. The hooded creature stared at them for a while.

The hooded creature stopped staring at them, and said, "Boss wants to see you. Now."

Wanda, Thor and Rachel each raised an eyebrow, gesturing to the ropes wrapped around their bodies.

"Oh, don't worry about that," The hooded creature said. "I'm not asking you to walk."

Curiosity coursed through their veins as they wondered what the hooded creature was asking them to do.

One tap of its staff, and they were in a totally different place. They were in a black room, and there was a hooded creature sitting in front of a desk. They felt queasy, as they had just teleported, and not voluntarily.

The hooded creature sitting in front of a desk gestured to the chairs opposite its chair, and they warily took a seat. For a moment, the three of them were staring at the hooded creature in front of them, though that was nearly impossible since the hooded creature was not even showing his eyes- if he even had any.

"Is this-Like-Is this what they're supposed to do when they meet us?" Thor asked.

None of the three knew the answer, so they just shrugged and sat in silence, trying to avoid eye contact with the hooded creature.

"Which one of you has the spirit?" The hooded creature in front of them finally spoke.

"What spirit?!" The three of them, who were extremely irritated at this 'spirit' thing, shouted at the same time. It was getting very hard to remain calm.

"Now, now," The creature said. "No need to get agitated."

The three of them squinted and rolled their eyes, then scanned the room.

"The spirit," The creature explained, trying to get their attention back. "Is the most powerful thing in the world. More powerful than anything you can imagine, even our staffs. If you've it inside you and you take it out, you will die. My sole purpose has been to find that spirit and keep it to use as a power source for my army. We're running low on power, and it will probably last us for at least a million years, so imagine how long a human can live for with the spirit. It is a waste to use it on you humans, though. What kind of human needs power like that? Anyway, it is in one of you, and I am getting it, whether you like it or not. Oh, don't bother trying to use your powers to get out of here, because this place removes all your powers the moment you entered."

This pushed them all off the edge. How was Rachel supposed to stay calm now? Either one of them would die if the creatures got the spirit out of them. Oh god.


End of chapter again! Thanks for reading! Bye!

End of chapter again! Thanks for reading! Bye!

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