Who's The Father

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Word count: 770

IN the room with the avengers and Rachel...

Though they thought it would be awkward, it was not even a little awkward! They clicked instantly, though Rachel had a hard barrier. It made sense, since her mother was Wanda Maximoff. The avengers and Rachel got along extremely well.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, what are your powers?" Bruce politely asked, making sure he did not say anything wrong.

"Let me recall," Rachel paused, while everybody was immensely shocked that she had to recall them. "Oh, yes. Mind control, mind reading, flying and control over the elements."

The avengers' mouths dropped.


"I have so many questions. Why did you bring a kid here?" Tony asked in a stern voice.

"She's turning 17 next year," Wanda rolled her eyes and argued. "Why can't she be here? Sixteen is not that young. Plus, she is way more powerful than you all combined, if I'm honest."

Tony realised Wanda was actually making a good point. He sighed and shook his head, defeated.

"Who's the father?" Tony asked. Wanda had never actually told him who her father was, or where her daughter came from. This was the first time they saw Wanda's face since Pietro's death, and she had never expressed that she had a romantic partner.

Wanda pushed back the lump in her throat and looked at Tony.

Back inside...

"I hope this isn't insensitive, but who is your father?" Clint questioned.

"I don't know," Rachel sincerely replied. "Mom's never told me."

The avengers looked at each other, then exchanged looks. She did not know who her father was? A little suspicious. Their minds started to race. Who could be the father?

"You guys know I can read your minds right?" Rachel asked.

Upon hearing Rachel's words, they tried to change the subject. Rachel obviously knew what they were doing, but she kept quiet as she knew they felt guilty enough.

Tony, who looked dumbstruck, entered the room with Wanda and they sat down.

"Tony? You alright?" Steve asked as he laid his eyes on Tony.

He acknowledged Steve's concern, but did not say anything. He pursed his lips together and sighed, scratching his head. The avengers did not know what to make of this, so they just went on with asking Rachel questions.

After finding out much about Rachel, the avengers decided to call it a day with some pizza. They finished the pizza quickly, Tony still not saying a word, and then they went up to their rooms.

"Right, Rachel," Tony finally said something. "You may stay in guest room 1 until I figure out where and how to place you."

"Does that mean I'm staying permanently?" Rachel squealed with excitement.

Tony slightly nodded, and the avengers all smiled, happy that Rachel was going to be there.

While Rachel was finding her way to guest room 1, she heard a punching noise. Her curiosity led her to find out what it was. She turned to her left, where the noises were coming from, and she saw a gym. She instantly opened the door and saw Clint and Natasha fighting.

"Why are you guys fighting?" Rachel asked.

Upon her arrival, Clint and Natasha looked at Rachel and grinned.

"Well," Clint paused. "Natasha and I are practising, you know, so we can get better at this."

"But... why?" Rachel questioned. She had never seen people fight with their fists before, for her mother was Wanda Maximoff. She was used to using her magical powers.

Natasha, the redhead gorgeous woman, answered, "You don't know some people don't have powers like you?"

Rachel innocuously replied, "I thought all superheroes had them."

This made Natasha and Clint howl with laughter, and think that Rachel was extremely cute.

"Do you want to learn how to do martial arts?" Natasha offered Rachel.

"Sure!" Rachel exclaimed gleefully.

This offer sounded extremely enticing. She had never tried this kind of thing before, and it seemed like a great idea.

After all, as an avenger, she should have new ways to fight people. Not just the same methods all the time. It would be great-unexpected.

In addition, she would get closer to her fellow colleagues, Clint and Natasha. Maybe then, they would understand that she was not just a sixteen year old girl. On the other hand, she hated having a lot of power as it was not meaningful or fun anymore.

She stepped on the mat, and they taught her methods on how to kick and punch properly-basically, the basics.


You have come to the end! Thanks! But seriously-who is the father??

You have come to the end! Thanks! But seriously-who is the father??

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