Learning- The Beginning

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Word Count: 635

"SO, I just... kick?" Rachel asked Clint and Natasha.

"Yep," Clint replied. "Just like we taught you."

Rachel nodded confidently, and kicked the punching bag like an amateur, as she was one. The bag barely moved, and Natasha and Clint plastered fake smiles on their faces.

"N-Nice try!" Natasha tried to comfort Rachel. However, Rachel saw right through her act, as she could read minds.

Discouraged, Rachel sighed, and replied, "Let's just call it a day."

After sleeping on it, Rachel was ready to persevere on. She headed to the gym and saw Natasha and Clint at it again. She asked if she could join them, and bright smiles were spread on their faces. They were immensely joyful that she had not given up, despite her... less than good performance the first day.

Two hours of practice later, Rachel finally managed to kick the punching bag properly, and move it. It did not move that much, but she was satisfied as it was a huge improvement. She also learnt how to properly punch, but was still a newbie at it. Who could blame her? She went from telekinesis and mind control to punching bags. Sounded like an easy transition, but it really was not. It was a whole change of atmosphere. Thank god she had Natasha and Clint by her side.

She skipped to breakfast after showering, and saw her mother there.

"Hi, mom!" She greeted her cheerfully, and hugged her.

Wanda returned her warm smile and replied, "Someone's happy."

Rachel nodded and explained what had happened previously. Wanda was very happy for her. Learning a new skill was great! Little did she know, it was going to become way bigger than that.

Tony stared blankly at Rachel, who was enjoyably munching on her scrambled eggs like there was no tomorrow. He had just met her the day before, and he already knew something about her that even she, herself, did not know. What was it, exactly? I wonder...

"You said that Peter was coming in today?" Steve asked Tony.

Tony returned back to reality, and nodded, expressing that he was saying yes to Steve's question.

"Any more context?" Steve asked another question.

"Oh, right," Tony added. "We're having a surprise meeting today at 4pm. Peter's coming to have the meeting."

"My first meeting?" Rachel jumped up in excitement.

Tony grunted and replied, "No, you won't be joining. You're too young."

Rachel's heart sank when she heard Tony's words, but she put up a front and nodded obediently.

"Peter is the same age as her!" Wanda, who was seeing the pain in her daughter's face, protested.

Tony argued, "Right, well, she's a new recruit, while Peter is not."

"Sure, Tony," Wanda sarcastically replied. "Rachel's just as qualified as Peter, and you know that."

Tony ignored this comment of Wanda's, and suddenly became very interested in how delicious the toast was. This convinced nobody, as Tony was always too prideful to admit he was wrong.

After breakfast, Wanda was going to comfort Rachel, but she had already left. Wanda wandered around, and found Rachel in the gym practising herself. She was trying extremely hard to improve, and was determined to get better at being... well... powerless- of course, martial arts was also a power of some sort, but it was different from her power.

Realising how diligent her daughter was, Wanda smiled to herself, and silently crept away, making sure that she did not disturb her hardworking daughter. She had never seen her so strong willed to achieve a goal. Ever. It was not like her. She must have wanted it very badly.


You are back at the end of the chapter. This chapter was pretty short, but the next one will be long, so don't fret! The next chapter is juicy...

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