Ugh, TMI. ★

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Word count: 653

"So," The Hooded Creature said. "In a nutshell, you will stay here in your prison until you guys tell me who has the spirit. If you are obedient and you tell me in under 48 hours, I will not torture you, and I will let the others who do not have the spirit go unharmed. However, if you wait for more than 48 hours, I will start torturing you. Actually, I'll get my army to do it. I'm too lazy."

Then, the hooded creature tapped his long staff on the floor and the three of them were back in the white room. They were suddenly untied from the ropes, and could finally move freely. Now, they had a dilemma-if they actually found out who had the spirit, would they tell the creature and get that person killed, and a problem to solve-WHO HAD THE SPIRIT??

They discussed the problem frantically, as they only had less than 48 hours until they were tortured by the hooded creatures, and if they were honest, they did not want to know how the creatures tortured people. Well, the creatures had a magic staff that took down half of the avengers, so they had a reason to be scared.

"Well, what now?!" Rachel's shouts echoed around the room (the room seemed to go on forever)

Thor and Wanda shrugged, as they, too, had no idea what to do.

"Do you guys have any information? Anything that could help us?" Thor asked sensibly.

Rachel shook her head, and Wanda avoided eye contact with them. Thor realised this, and raised an eyebrow.

"Wanda?" Thor tried to get Wanda's attention.

Wanda turned to look at Thor.

"Do you have any information that could help us?" Thor asked.

"Well," Wanda paused. "Okay, fine. So, Rachel, you know how you always ask me who your father is?"

Rachel nodded incessantly, wondering whether her mother was finally going tell her who her father was. She had been waiting for this for ages.

"So, um," Wanda gulped. "The thing is I kind of... don't think you have one."

"What?" Rachel asked. How could that be possible?

Wanda tried to calm her down and explained, "You see, I kind of made you from scratch after Pietro's death to ease my pain. And, well, I-I didn't think it would actually work! And-don't worry, you're human. I just-I-I don't know! I mean, you're alive and all, you're real, but I don't know how I did it! I made you as a teenager, not as a baby, but I installed fake memories of us to make sure you never found out, but now we're in this situation and I-I don't know, maybe there's some sort of connection?!"

"What?! You're telling me, every memory I have of us being together is fake?! We never actually spent that time together? And-And I don't have a father?! What?! Is there some other piece of information that could change my life again?!" Rachel's shouts reverberated through the room. This was too much information to take in, especially for a 19 year old! She felt her stomach twist into a knot and her mind spiralling.

"W-Well..." Wanda paused.

"THERE IS?!" Rachel shouted.

"I-I kind of made you more powerful than anybody, ever... and so-so maybe you're the one with the spirit. I just didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to get killed, but it kind of seems necessary for me to tell you. I couldn't bear to keep it from you any longer. I just feel too guilty. I'm sorry, honey. And, don't worry, we won't let them kill you."

"OH, THAT'S SO REASSURING, THANKS!" Rachel shouted at the top of her lungs and stormed off. She ran to the far end of the room and started crying.


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