Dilemmas ♡ ♡

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THE avengers went into the meeting room without Delailah, who returned to the moon, apparently. They had a dilemma, and it was a real and a huge one. In addition to the dilemma, they had to figure out who had the spirit.

"Well, we're stuck, aren't we?" Clint asked a question that nobody wanted to answer.

Tony sighed, "This was supposed to be a warm reunion."

Thor comforted, "We can have our warm reunion later, don't worry."

Tony nodded. Nobody noticed Rachel's solemn expression. She was playing with her fingers nervously, blinking two times more than usual.

"Okay, so let's say we find out who the spirit is in," Bruce changed the topic. "What would we do?"

They all sat in silence, all thinking the same thing. What would they do? Save humanity or one of their 'family' members?

"Look, I am pretty tired out from the whole thing," Rachel commented. "I'm gonna go and rest."

The avengers understood and excused her, not thinking much of it. Rachel went up to her room, which was familiar, but also so distant. She laid on the bed in exhaustion and cupped her face in her hands. In her heart, she knew one thing that could change everything.

In a matter of minutes, there was a gentle knock at her door. She sat up immediately, lazily went to the door and opened it. She saw a thoughtful Peter, who asked her if he could come in. Of course, Rachel wanted to deny his request, as she did not want to get too close to him. However, at this point, she did not really care that much anymore.

"You okay?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Rachel answered.

"I don't know, maybe because the army of hooded creatures that attacked us a month ago kidnaped you guys and tortured you, telling you that one of you has to die, and now some magical goddess came here, telling us not only about another way out, but also that the person with the spirit would still die?" Peter said in one breath, making Rachel's mouth drop.

"Well... that is a pretty good reason," Rachel replied.

Peter noticed Rachel avoiding his question, and chuckled, "You still haven't answered my question."

"Right, uh," Rachel paused and pursed her lips together. "I-I don't know. My life's a bit of a mess right now, and I'm explaining my horrible life to my sworn en-."

Rachel stopped herself before making things anymore awkward.

"Sworn what?" Peter asked.

"Ah, nothing..." replied Rachel.

Peter nodded, pretending like he did not hear what Rachel had said. He did not want to put any more on her plate. She was dealing with a lot already.

Peter put his arm around Rachel, whose face whitened when he did so. Peter took one look at Rachel, who looked white as paper and red as a tomato at the same time.

"Hey, it's fine," Peter reassured her. "I'm not going to hurt you."

Rachel turned to look at Peter, stared at him, and took a deep breath.

"You sure?" Rachel mocked.

Peter burst into laughter and a cute smile spread on his mouth. The two of them made eye contact for a few seconds, and Peter hugged Rachel.

She was new to hugging, and awkwardly patted his back. This made Peter chuckle and hug her more tightly. When they pulled out of the hug, they looked into each other's eyes and Peter's face went closer to Rachel's, and he quickly pecked her gently on the lips. This made Rachel jump away from Peter, and run away. This action left Peter speechless and confused.

Rachel's thoughts flooded through her head and her heart started palpitating. What just happened? She just got kissed by the guy she swore to never ever ever catch feelings for. To make things worse, that was her first ever kiss!


Peter's getting touchy 🥴

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