One More Chance.. Part 1.

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    "Darcy, please go to sleep." You whispered as you attempted to rock your 2 year old baby girl to sleep.

"Mummy... where's daddy?"

You parted your lips to say something, but decided not to.

"Shh, baby. Go to sleep.. "

She sighed and shifted, repositioning herself in your arms, so that she was cuddling your arm.

You smiled down at your little piece of treasure. He eyes were fluttered close, her brown curls ticking your arm as she moved her head, and her chest rising up and down peacefully.

About 10 minutes later, you tucked her into her big girl bed and layed down on the couch, attempting to gather your thoughts together.

You and Harry broke up a couple months after you found out about Darcy , when you caught him kissing another girl. The only thing on your mind was how hurt you were, seeing the man you love with someone else.

But no matter how hard you tried, your feelings for him never faded.. you were still truly, madly, deeply in love with him, and that's something you can't deny.. You really miss him..

You miss his head of luscious curls, his dimples, his stunning green eyes, his touch, his lips, waking up next to his flawless face, and most importantly.. his love.

You were pulled out of your thoughts when your phone went off.

CALLER 1D: private number.

"Who are you and why is your number blocked?" You answered.

"Hey (Y/N), it's Louis."



"I'm alright, how's Darcy?"

"She's fine, but is always asking about Harry." She replied with a sigh.

I can tell she's running her hands through her hair, something she always does when she's stressing out.

"Then maybe she should meet him." I suggested.

"Lou are you crazy?!"


She let out a small laugh.

"I don't know.. "

"C'mon love, it's been 2 years. Harry deserves to know he has a child, and Darcy deserves to meet her father." I told her.

" But I'm not ready..." She replied.

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