Final Chapter

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Final Chapter

The Dark Mage didn't even look like he broke a sweat and I was already breathing hard. I searched my brain for any tricks Theodore had taught me and I didn't use. Nothing was coming into my mind.

"You've had your fun little one" the Mage said with a sheer "Now it's time I had mine." The mage raised two arms, gathering dark evil power. I looked into his face which had contorted, leaving a pale evil mask. The whites of his eyes were completely black now. He looked like a demon. Everything moved in slow motion when he released the dark power and pushed to me. I put up a shield in record time but the black wave was beginning to eat up, the flimsy shield I put up to protect myself. He focused his attention hitting and hitting. I don't know if I could hold on much longer.

The shield shattered like glass around me, his dark power reached for me with cold hands and I was helpless to stop him. The defenses I had set up in my mind were already Shattered I could feel him prying in my head.

'You are nothing.' His voice snared in my head in a sing song voice. "You couldn't protect your family and you have put the boy you love and his family too in danger. Tsk, tsk, tsk, you have been a bad girl little Diana." He was right of cause. I have been a terrible person, I didn't even have the decency to tell my family what was going on. I put them in trouble without even trying to save them. Instead of running to save them like I was supposed to, I hid in the safety of a posh mansion like a coward.

Theodore and Selena expected so much from me and I failed them. I could feel the life the life fade from me. I can't fight anymore. He was too powerful. There was no way I could defeat him. He was draining my life force just like he did to my mother and brother. I was going to die the same way my family died. The darkness called to me and welcomed it.

'Diana!" Theodore? Why was he calling for me I was just about to sleep.

"Diana please," I felt someone shake me. "Wake up." Theodore's voice was desperate. My eyes fluttered open and I stared into his eyes.

'I am sorry Theodore. I couldn't kick his ass."

"no. don't apologize. I won't let you." He said shaking me.

"You are the only one that can do this and I believe in you."

"Yes Diana." Selena "you have to fight him. You have to avenge your family."

My family. I lost them already. I was too tired to fight. Even if I fought there was no telling if I will win. I can't bring my family back regardless. I was alone in this cold dark world.

"We are here for you Diana." Selena said pleadingly. "But you have to fight him too."

Sir Robin's words came to me. The magic and me where one and the same. I just needed to accept it and use it to do my bidding I sat up. Calling to the magic that was my core. I felt it in the roots of my hair, the tips of my fingers, every nerve. It was a heady, addictive feeling. Explain why the mage was so power hungry, wanting to take over control. Even now I could feel the walls of the keep starting to crumble. One thought and everything went still. Stop.

I got up from where I was sitting and stood face to face with the mage. I couldn't understand how someone could be conscienceless. Destroying without the hint of remorse. I was going to stop him from destroying more of my family. Yes family. Even though he had taken my mother and brother from me. I still had people that had accepted me as part of them.

"I see you have woken up." The Mage said, his voice laden with contempt. "Good, you are just about to see me bring this place down."

"I am afraid you are not going to do anymore destroying again. Mr. Dark Mage."

That was the only warning he got before I let my magic attack him with a vengeance. It drained and sucked all the magic from him until felt nothing but vile, disgusting power flowing in me.

Living with this power in me would create a darkness I didn't need. I stretched my hand to the ground, focusing all my strength into pushing his evil power out. When all was done, the ground where I had struck looked charmed.

The watchers were already on The Dark Mage. Binding him and he was powerless to stop them. Selena and Theodore came to my side. It is done. I might have lost the family I knew but I have been gifted with another and I will protect them, as long as I can.

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