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While I was driving to school the next morning, I was tempted to stop by the coffee shop, just to get coffee and donuts of course. Definitely not because I couldn't stop myself from thinking about my exchange with Theodore last night or because I wonder if I would bump into him again before we see each other at school. Not that would make me pathetic, and I am not pathetic. I have no idea as to why I couldn't stop thinking about night skys and crickets or why I was desperately looking forward to being in school today. It was a monday. I should hate mondays. But I didn't hate today. I was humming a song in the shower and I didn't even argue with Cole at the breakfast table. I do not remember ever being in such a good mood in the morning. It has never happened, until today that is. I was in a really good mood today. Nothing could upset me.

Except that something did upset me. The two people that usually stood by my locker every morning where standing there when I got to school. They were just late, or maybe, they were already sitted in class? They weren't there either. They didn't come to school at all. Are they alright? Did something happen to them at home? They've never missed school. Not once. I cannot begin to think of a reason for their absence and as time continued to tick by, I was losing control on my patience. I couldn't help the worry that have crawled into my heart.

The moment the bell rang to end school, I jumped out of my seat like it was hot. I shouldn't be so worried, after all people miss school everytime right? Regardless, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. I might just be overreacting but I'll should just go to the house to make sure. I drove my car out of the student parking lot and raced to their house. When I rang the bell at the gate, no one answered. I knew the code already so I let myself in. I'm sure Janice and Bryant wouldn't mind. They were much more cool over things than mother would ever be in a millennia. I just dissed the poor woman but whatever. It's not like I was lying or anything. When I got to the front door, it was locked I knocked for a few minutes and when I didn't get a reply, I went back out to my car to call them. Call them. That's what I should have done from the very beginning. I can't believe I just went all drama queen over a small issue and actually forgot to call. Nice going Diana. You deserve a reward for mind blowing hysteria.

Selena answered on the first ring,

"hey," her soothing voice sounded through the speakers. I released a breath that I had no idea I was holding. "I was just about to call you." She laughed. Well there's your proof that they are alright no?

"I didn't see you two in school so I came to your house to check up on you but no one was home." I said, I believe that it is necessary to admit the level of discipline it's taking me to mutter like a toddler at the beginning of a temper tantrum.

"So sorry love, I was going to tell you at dinner yesterday but I forget," she began. "The coven called for an emergency meeting yesterday. We couldn't miss it."

"Oh." Was my disappoinent–laden reply. Hell I was even pouting. Good thing Theodore wasn't here to see my face. O wouldn't hear the last of it then.

"Awww did you miss us?" She asked, it was meant to be a joke but I also sensed concern in her tone.

"Maybe a little bit," I admitted begrudgingly, "I was worried about you guys, I thought something happened."

"We're fine," she brushed it off, "what could have happened?" I wasn't with her but I could imagine she was shrugging.

"I was just worried though," this time I actually muttere, and for effect, I fiddled with the hem of my shirt. How pathetic.

"We're fine love, I promise–"

"Is that Diana?" Theodore interrupted.

"Hey give me back my phone you jerk." I had to smile. They were definitely alright.

"Hey,"  I guess he was able to get the phone from her hand. He was such a bully sometimes. Scratch that. He was lookssuch a bully all the time. A big bully.

"Hey." Hey? Hey? That's all I have got to say? What in the world is wrong with me?

"What have you decided about the stargazing?" He asked.

Back to that are we?

"I don't know Teddy. I guess we'll have to find out together."

He laughed loud. It was probably the first time I ever heard him laugh and it was such a beautiful sound. I wished I have the call on record so I could listen to him laugh over and over again.

"I'll see you soon princess." He hung up. See me soon? Doesn't he mean see me around? Anyway what do I care about samantics. See you soon, see you around. They're all the same.

I got into my car and startey drive home. It was a short drive.  I needed to change out of my school clothes. Who knows, Theodore might have meant soon and not later or around. Why am I still obsessing over random words. Jeez get a hold of yourself Diana. I got to my house and parked in the driveway. Mom always warns me to never park inside the garage but I'm going to be rebellious today. Only today.

I was locking the car when I noticed him. I immediately felt goosebumps. He wasn't doing anything. Just standing idlely by the pole acrosythe road from my house. He was wearing a long black coat that made him seem like Dracula and his white blond hair was parted in the middle. What freaked me out wasn't any of those though. It was his eyes. Green eyes. I immediately recognized them as the ones from my dreams. The dreams I am yet to tell my guardians about. Selena was going to freak if she found out. She was probably going to stay mad at me for weeks. I'll tell Theodore if I see him later. I was going to tell them soon anyway.

Mom and Cole weren't back home yet. I was relieved. They must have stopped for Macdonalds on their way back and as much of I crave a burger right now, envying their situation. I'm glad that they weren't home now. I don't know the man outside but I would bet all my college savings that he was bad news. I might be wrong about him being the actor star in my bad dreams recently but I can never be too safe. I looked outside through the window again. He was still standing there. He did a small salute, smiled and started walking away. Definitely bad news. I checked and rechecked the windows are doors if the house making sure that no burglar could pass through even if he had centuries of experience. I finished with an added protection spell that Selena taught me. Just in case he was a mage. If he was a really strong magician, my protection spell wasn't going to deter him from breaking my spell into bits. It was just necessary to create a sense of security.

The creepy man already taken care of, I went upstairs to attend to my outfit. I traded my cargo pants for jeans and my usual big T shirts for big crop top. I changed to sneakers instead boots and I retouched my make up. I stared at the mirror again. Definitely pathetic. I shouldn't be concerned about how Theodore would think about me dressing like a Tom boy. I've never worn anything different. Whatever I'm done now. I might as well just keep it on. I went downstairs to find something to eat because heaven knows I was starving to death.

The doorbell rang the moment I grabbed a plate of leftover fruit salad from the fridge. Dang it. I was looking foreword to shoveling forkful of fruits in my mouth. I dropped the bowl on the dining table and went to open the door. It was Theodore. Huh. He actually meant it when he said see you soon. I guess I was right to hurry home and get changed now wasn't I?. He smiled at me, and in yesterday moment, I knew what they meant by feeling week in the knees.

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