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"Oh shit is right cupcake." Theodore said looking shocked. The bell rang to end lunch break. I didn't even get to eat. Granted I wasn't looking forward to the food but I still can't spend the rest of the day hungry.

"Things are about to get interesting." Selena murmured helping Theodore up to his feet. I noticed just then that she'd not said a word since I pushed Theodore. How am I even sure u pushed him. He must have seen me coming and threw himself on the floor to deceive me. Oh yes Diana, chose denial. How else am I going to explain what happened. The locker, the books? How? This is so frustrating. My life was perfect until this two people walked into it and started to ruin it.

"Get away from me!" I shrieked running the other way. Everyone in the hallway turned to look at me. I must seem so crazy to them right now. I don't care as long as I'm as far away from this people as possible. A witch of all things. I always knew I was different from the rest of my family. My hair stood out more than anything. Even though I had the tanned Californian skin of my mother, my hair was a striking silver. Not platinum blonde, not even grey. I let people believe it wasn't my real hair color so as to be less of a freak. I couldn't bring myself to dye it. My eyes were like sea green, It almost looked blue. Apart from my skin color, I didn't look anything like my mother. My brother however looked like my mother spit him out.

So when Theodore said I was a witch, was I even that surprised? If it looks like a duck it's definitely a duck right? It's still going to be hard for me to process but this people didn't seem like they were going to leave me alone even for a second. Even now, I can feel their eyes on me as I walk home. I should be in class right now but I needed the break. I can't even go home because a colony of cockroaches decided to relocate to my kitchen. The exterminators must have gotten rid of them but I didn't want to be home by myself. I went to the next best place to escape from it all. The bookstore. I needed to swap the comic book o borrowed last month with another one anyway.

I walked in through the front doors and a bell chimed. Jack, the store owner, was sleeping. I don't blame him though. No one ever comes in here. Besides, I'd do anything to have the peace of mind he is no doubt experiencing. I grabbed a book from the shelf and got comfortable on one of seats. Perhaps too comfortable given the day I had. It wasn't long before I dozed off. And with sleep came dreams of cockroaches, flying papers and green eyes. I jerked awake to see that the sky was dark. My phone vibrated in my back pocket. It was my mother.


"Diana, where in gods name are you?!" My mother's voice boomed through the phone.

"I dozed off at the bookstore, I'm on my way." I said quickly and hung up. It was then I noticed the looming figure in the entrance. I screamed.

"Shhh it's me." Selena hushed me putting a hand over my mouth.

"Selena?" I gasped. Pushing her off me gratefully with my hands this time. "What are you doing here?"

"You ran off before we could properly talk."

"I know that. It was deliberate. The purpose is to be as far away from you as possible. This,"— I said pointing between the two of us "is not far enough."

"I might look laid back or like someone you can pushover but you everything would be easier if you would just stop throwing a temper tantrum!" Selena actually snapped at me? I guess I was actually being sort of a Bitch to her. Besides, she's been really nice. She didn't deserve my attitude. Theodore on the other hand,

"So what do I do from here onward?" I asked standing from the chair and arranging the books back on the chair. "I'm sure you guys want me to train or whatever? And do I tell my mom?"

"Yes. You would need to train and you cannot tell your mother. She might have knowledge of our world but we shouldn't risk it. You have a lot of power in you Diana We are actually your Gaurdians, Theodore and I"

I had to laugh at the last bit. "You actually expect me to believe that they, whoever your leaders are, sent a bunch of teenagers to protect me?"

"We might look like eighteen or even seventeen years old but we really are just twenty one. Appearances could be deceiving."

"Why would they send you though?" I pressed on. "Twenty one is still young."

"Theodore is one of the best fighters we have, and I'm the only one who can handle him." This caught my attention.

"Why is that?"

"Well because we are siblings. Twins actually." I gave her a double take.

"You two don't look anything alike." I said flatly and returned my attention to the shelf.

"Regardless, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you need to make a decision as to wether you would train with us. They are evil people that want to covet your power for themselves." What teenager use the word 'covet' in a sentence. Well technically, She's not a teenager.

"How do I know that you don't intend to covet my powers."

"If I wanted to, you'd have already been dead." Her voice was chilly. I actually shivered.

"Whoa tone it down little mermaid. I'll think about it."

"That's not even funny. If you decide to accept, you must meet us in the woods behind the school at twelve o'clock tomorrow."

"And if I don't?"

"You won't. All the cockroaches should've cleared up by now I assume."

"Wait that was you two?"— but she was already gone. I'm going to get my revenge.

When I got out of the bookstore, my car was parked out front. Selena must have driven it her. She's so different from her annoying Dracula–like brother. I brought the engine to life and started driving home. For the first time in all the days following my birthday, today felt so quiet. It worried me. Like the calm before a storm. Speaking of storms, the sooner I deal with my fuming mother, the better.


I woke up suddenly. I have been doing a lot of it lately. It's beginning to grate on my nerves. I am always so cranky when I do not get enough sleep. My window was open again. I couldn't remember whether I made sure to lock it before bed. Seeing as my mother nagged me the entire dinner time it was no surprise if I had been too tired to make sure it was locked. I needed to stop forgetting it so much. The faded pieces of a dream flashed through my head. A pair of sea green eyes just like my own. Was it a dream or a memory? I felt like I have seen the eyes somewhere. At the bookstore. I dreamt of the same pair of green eyes. I wondered what the dream meant and why it worried me so much, and if I was going to ask Selena about it tomorrow, and if I've finally decided to see Selena tomorrow. I drifted obese again into a blissful slumber.

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