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I looked to the wizard sitting in front of me, his look of terror mirrored the one I was feeling inside, even though we didn't say it, even though we technically had no proof, I knew we were thinking the exact same thing.

"He is here" he said gravely like he was delivering a death sentence. It might as well be one. My plan to learn how to use all the power at my disposal to kick its creepy stalking, family napping ass just flew out the window poof. I called it; the universe truly did have something against me. All what has happened to me for the past few month just go ahead to prove that some god up there was having a laugh at my expense. There is a keep full of magic folk all looking up to a fellow white flasher to beat him up again and here I am, not being able to lift a freaking feather. I knew the ranting I was having inside my head was only stalling the inevitable. Even now I could hear screams of people as they ran to safety.

I got up quietly from the mat. Sir Robin followed me with his gaze. Then he gripped I was about to turn and walk out of the room.

"You must overcome this." He said vehemently. The cheerful expression he always seemed to wear had melted from his face. "You must remember. You are the magic." Yep definitely crazy. Or maybe he just finally broke. I nodded once and turned to leave. Theodore trusts him so I guess I could take his advice. But I don't see how recognizing I have magic and feeling tit in every pore of my skin was going to help me defeat a power hungry crazy mage.

"I will try to remember." I vowed before breaking into a run to go and find Theodore. I might not have an idea as to how to help to protect the people in the keep but at least I knew someone who does. I sighted Selena first her silver hair always giving her away. She was talking to a little boy. His face was streaked with tears. Selena was speaking to him quietly when I approached.

"Go with them okay?" she says and the boy nodded and ran to meet a group of other children that were being herded to possible safety. I perceived that she must have used her magic to calm him.

"The poor thing lost his mother" that explained the tears. I couldn't help feeling sorry for him. I could totally relate to what he was feeling at the moment and it served as fuel to the anger that was already burning in my veins. I am going to kick his ass.

"Have you seen Theodore?" I asked as we walked through the mob of people that were running about.

"No, he is probably at the gate of the keep. That's where we are headed" she replied. It was strange to not see her as cheerful as she always was. How do people always take advantage of such little things?

"You know what actually happened to cause the bang?" I asked my words coming out in short breaths as we half ran, half walked through the crowd.

"No one knows, but you can guess." Yes, I could guess, and the guessing was killing me even before I saw the actual danger.

We reached the lobby at the entrance of the keep and Selena was right. Theodore was there at the gates along with other men I could only call watchers using everything at their disposal to make sure the gates of the keep. The gate bound. It didn't seem like they could keep it up for much longer.

"The dark Mage. He infiltrated all the words we set up around the keep" he looked angry, frustrated and tired all at one. "He just went through it like a knife through butter"

"What can I do to help?" I asked.

"Get everyone out of the lobby and into safety. I don't think we can hold him much longer"

"On it." Selena said behind me. I didn't know she was still behind me.

"Now what?"

I soon found out. The gates of the keep flew open from its hinges and black smoke came billowing and in through were the doors were. The few watchers that were close to the doors couldn't escape the smoke swallowed them. Their screams sounded in the halls and it seemed to echo throughout the keep.

Green eyes scanned the area and fell on me. I shivered and then berated myself internally for showing him and sign of weakness. Theodore and Selena came and flanked me on both sides and I felt my nerves settle. They have my back I would be safe. I felt his magic trying to penetrate the shields I have put him in my mind and I used mine to force him out. He chuckled darkly.

"You have learnt a new trick girlie." He said with a sneer.

"I have other tricks. Did I just say that? I must have a death wish or something acting all cool when I was actually shaking in my pants. "You are a feisty one" the Dark Mage said walking casually towards me. I watched as the black smoke moved along with him. It was as if it was floating. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't have feet. Just great Diana. You are a breath away from death and you are wondering if a crazy old man has feet or not, talked about misplaced priorities.

"Tsk tsk tsk" he was now right in front of me. Everyone had already moved back and it was just Theodore and Selena standing with me. Why were they here?  Can't they see that I too wanted to bolt? "They cried for you. Why didn't you come save me Didi" he completed in Cole's voice.

No, no, no, "no!" it can't be. The Mage laughed and I broke into a sweat. I could hear the laughter even in my head. I couldn't think. Couldn't feel.

"What did you do to my family you crazy"- the sound caught in my throat. He flicked his wrist sending us flying from his path. The wind was knocked out from me as my back connected with a pillar.

"I killed them." He said easily. "I drained every life force from them until they were dry husks. It was pretty sight and I was going to do that to every one of you here starting from you little white flasher." He said all these like he was talking about the freaking weather, he killed my family. He took their lives like it was nothing. I noticed that his back was turned to me and I managed to standup. I brought my hands together ready to send a wave of white power through

"You monster!" I screamed sending it with all the force I could muster. With a flick of a wrist, he dispelled my attack like it was a speck on his clothes. He returned his attention to me.

"Little girl, is that all they have been teaching you?" he shook his head I mock concern. "I must say I'm disappointed."

"Shut up." I say with venom giving him a look that could kill him if looks could kill.

"Everyone put their faith in the white flasher that was going to save the world of magic."

"Shut up!' it was a scream followed with another wave of power. He dispelled it with another attack. I sent wave after wave, after wave and he just kept swatting them like they were flies to my left. Theodore and Selena lay unmoving. I couldn't believe it. They trusted me and I failed them in the worst way possible.

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