Chapter Eleven

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I'm so sorry.


"First order of business," Marinette said, poking her brother in the arm. "How did good ol' Batsy react to you being one of the kids to steal his tires?"

Jason laughed, a deep sound that made Marinette grin.

She missed laughing with him.

"He has no fucking clue. But every time I see the Batmobile it's so hard not to laugh," Jason leaned back against the wall.

The two were sitting next to the ticket window to the gardens; they had closed early because of the attack.

Jason had looted around for some peanuts at the snack bar for them to munch on. He claimed that it was "payment" for being an "awesome vigilante", Marinette had smacked him in the arm but took the peanuts anyway.

Marinette threw one of the peanuts at Jason from the opposite wall. "Hear me out, what if we break into the Batcave and steal the tires again."

Jason sat criss-cross-applesauce and put his chin (helmet?) on his hand, then he shot up like he had a revelation. "We could sell them on eBay!"

A slow grin spread on Marinette's face, "Hell yeah!"

"That'll piss him off!" Jason cheered, flopping down on the ground.

Marinette was laughing so hard she couldn't breath. Her shoulders were shaking and her chest hurt.

She hadn't laughed like that for a long time.

"So," She started, trying to shake off her giggles. "So, how exactly are you...not dead?"

The two sobered up completely at her words. The world was still. Silent.

It was a long moment before Jason spoke, and when he did, it was barely above a whisper. "The Lazarus Pits."

Marinette scooted closer to him, smiling gently.

"The...Pits?" Despite her time in Gotham, Marinette had no idea about the Lazarus Pits other than a few stray words.

Jason nodded and sighed. "Yeah, after the Joker unalived me--"

Marinette raised her eyebrows at 'unalive' and snorted.

"Yeah yeah, so after he unalived me, I went to Ra's al Ghul and he resurrected me in the Pits. And that's pretty much it."

Marinette scoffed. "'And that's pretty much it' Jesus, Jay, you died!" That's not 'just it!' what the hell?" She smacked him in the arm and glared.

Jason made a sound closer to a dying whale than a human and he rolled away from her.

"Pix! That's so mean! I died and you're telling me off!" Jason screeched, moving to a sitting position to wail some more.

Marinette giggled. "Now you're acting as dramatic as Adrien!"

"Is that the blonde one that looks like he would wear cat ears to school?" Jason said, making little cat ears with his fingers.

Marinette laughed, he had no idea how right he was. "That's the one! He's such a drama queen." She grinned fondly at the memory of her partner doing such idiotic stuff. Once he fell off a building because I was rolling around in "pain".

"Alright, so tell me about your weird friends. Especially your girlfriend." Jason teased. Marinette couldn't see his face, but she assumed Jason had on a shit eating grin.

Marinette flushed a bright red. "That's Chloé, we started dating a few years ago. She's so brave and beautiful and I love her so much."

"I'm glad you found her, Pix. She seems perfect for you." It was one of those moments when Jason wasn't joking or teasing, he was completely genuine. It felt like a massive weight was being taken of her shoulders at those words.

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