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Two years have gone by like a snap of a finger. You and Kija are already graduating from University. Today is your graduation day.

"We did it Y/N. We've survived" says Kija.

"So many things happened..." You mumble.

Indeed... Especially back in your second year. However, they weren't bothering you as much now.

"What's your plan after this?" Kija ask.

"Eh? I thought you knew" You say.

"I do... It's just. I can't believe it still y'know? I'll... Miss you" says Kija with a solemn face.


"Mr Kija! Miss Y/N!" A familiar voice calls.

"Zeno-kun, Shin Ah-kun!" You exclaim.

"You look good in the graduation robe!" Zeno compliments.

"Congratulations... The two of you" says Shin Ah.

"Next year, will be the two of you" says Kija.

"Guess we won't be seeing you around anymore but we can always disturb Yun!" Zeno exclaims.

"Ouch!" Just then, someone had bonked Zeno's head and it turns out to be Yun.

"Baka, don't come disturb me! I need to study!" Says Yun.

Yun is now a Year 1 student at your university, along with his friends Hak and Yona. Though according to Yun, Hak and Soo Won are year 2s.

"Yun, be nice to your senpais" You tease.

"Don't defend him!" You giggle.

"Anyways, congratulations on graduating you two" says Yun.

"Thanks Yun. Your time is getting started. Good luck" Kija encourages.

"I know you'll be a great doctor" You say.

"Now that's a high expectation" says Yun.

"Anyway, looks like the ceremony is about to start" says Zeno.

"Then let's go Y/N" says Kija and you nod.

"See you guys around!"

You and Kija made your way to the auditorium where the other graduating students are gathered. It's a long ceremony. A long process.

From the speeches to getting our diploma/Masters/degree. And finally, it ended with the students throwing their hats into the air and photo taking.

"Y/N!" A voice called.

You smile brightly as you quickly run towards him, engulfing him in a bear hug.

"Jaeha!! You came!!" You exclaim.

"Happy graduation" says Jaeha as he surprised you with a bouquet of flowers.

"Wahhh. Thank you!!" You say and kiss his cheek.

"Oi oi, don't go showing off your love out here!" Yun complains.

"Yeah, we're still single y'know" says Kija.

You and Jaeha laughs.

"On a serious note" Yun suddenly says.

"Y/N, have you make up your decision?" Yun ask.

"I have. I've decided to follow Jaeha to overseas" You say.

"Don't worry Yun. I swear, I'll be good to her. I'll protect her" says Jaeha as he wrap his arm around your shoulder.

"Should you ever make her cry, I'll never forgive you" says Yun to Jaeha.

"Make that two" says Kija.

"I can take her back anytime" He added.

"I won't let you" says Jaeha.

"Should you two ever fly to England, drop by a visit to Auntie Yuko" says Yun.

"Right, Mum has been wanting to meet you" You told Jaeha.

"Also, do come back anytime" says Yun.

"Of course for now we're deciding to travel around. Maybe someday we'll settle down somewhere" days Jaeha.

"Wherever you two may be, always come by home" says Yun.

You smile as you engulf your cousin into a hug.

"Thank you Yun" You say.

"Don't cause too much trouble. If Jaeha ever did something to you, I'll come and save you" says Yun.

"When will you two be flying off?" Kija questions.

"Tomorrow afternoon. Our first stop is China" says Jaeha.

"Hey, can we all hang out?" You ask.

"Sure, wherever you wish"

The four of you decided to have a nice cozy farewell party at your house. Y'all partied till quite late. You had already fallen asleep while Yun was cleaning up.

Kija and Jaeha decided to have a heart-to-heart talk about you. And the night ended in a bliss.

The next day, after making sure you had everything, Yun and Kija sent you and Jaeha off to the airport.

"You've gotten your passport? What about your necessacities? What about—"

"Yun, I've gotten everything I need, no need to worry" You assure.

"If we did forget anything we can always buy it" says Jaeha.

"Nee-chan..." Yun called.

Your eyes widen. You eventually hug Yun again.

"Thanks for calling me 'Nee-chan' Yun" You say.

"I'll miss you"

"I'll miss you too"

"Jaeha, remember what we talked about?" Kija ask.

"Of course" says Jaeha, as he thinks back on the conversation last night.

"Jaeha, I'm handing Y/N over to you" says Kija.

"Kija, you love her don't you? For a long time" Jaeha points out.

"I'm letting her go. Listen, I want forgive you if she ever cries. I'll take her back if she sheds even a tear drop" Kija declares.

"No worries on that. I won't let her suffer" Jaeha assures.

"What did you two talk about?" You ask.

"No need to worry too much Y/N. Just... Stay safe and you can always come back home if you're feeling homesick" says Kija.

You simply smile as you stretch out your hand, confusing Kija.

"I'm glad to have met you my friend. Farewell and take care" You say.

Kija smiles as he shakes hand with you. Soon, you and Jaeha boarded the plane and taking off moments later.

Upon arriving in China several hours later, you glance around with a smile. In a foreign country with the man you love, it's a fresh start.

"Let's go Y/N" says Jaeha as he stretches out his hand to you.

You smile as you grab a hold of his hand.

"Let's go Jaeha!"

A new adventure begins with you and Jaeha, where you'll not be separated. Until the end. Till death do you apart.

~ Fin

To Mend Her Broken Heart (Kija x Reader x Jaeha)Where stories live. Discover now