Chapter One

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The sun shines brightly today as you wake up to the birds chirping and the light rustling of the leaves.

"Morning already...?" You mumble softly.

You let out a long groan before getting out of bed. You did your daily morning routines before heading down to the kitchen.

"Something smells good" You mumble as you make your way down.

"Yun?!" You exlciam upon seeing your younger cousin in the kitchen, cooking.

"Morning Y/N. You're finally awake. Anyways, here's your breakfast" He says.

"Uhh... Remind me why are you here again?" You ask as you take a seat at the dining table while Yun look at you.

"Huh? What do you mean? I've been here for a week! Auntie Yuko is worried about you!" Says Yun.

"Mum sent you here...?" You ask.

"I've been here for a week Y/N!" Exclaims Yun.

"Oh... Sorry Yun. My memory has been hazy" You say and Yun sighs.

"Anyways, eat up. You're going to campus today aren't you?" Says Yun and you nod.

The two of you finish breakfast and left the house together. Yun is now a Year 2 Sophomore at a high school near by.

After you part ways with Yun, you head for your University. Upon arrival, you meet up with your friend, Kija.

"Hello Y/N!" Kija greets cheerfully.

"Morning Kija-kun! What are you doing out here?" You ask, seeing that he's outside the campus.

"I'm waiting for you" says Kija and you smile.

"Awww that's so sweet! Let's go for class" You say, going ahead of Kija, not noticing a blush on his face.

After the long hours, lectures seems to have finally ended.

"Finally! I need a break" Kija cries and you chuckle.

"Then I'll see you tomorrow if you're going home" You say.

"Eh? Aren't you going home too?" Kija ask and you shake your head.

"There is several things from the lectures which I don't understand so I'm heading to the library" You say.

"Then I shall follow you!" Kija exclaims.

"But aren't you tired? It's okay Kija-kun, no need to stress yourself for me" You say.

"No worries! This little bit of tireness will not affect me! Let's go then!" Kija assures before pulling your hand to the school's library.

After finding a seat at the library, you went to look for relative books related to your lectures earlier.

"These should be enough information" You mumble before heading back.

However, you were carrying quite a lot of books that you can't even see what's in front of you. That is, until you accidentally bump into someone and the books drop, causing a commotion.

"Ahh, sorry!" You say.

"SHHH!!" The students hush at you and you bow as an apology.

"I'm sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going" You whisper as you pick up the books.

"It's alright. Though what's a cutie like you carrying all these books alone?" You blush.

Is this guy flirting with you? Anyways, he help you to carry your bookd either ways since you won't be able to manage them alone.

"Y/N! That's a lot of books!" Kija exclaims upon seeing your return.

"I figured I'd better do some research if anything" You tell Kija and Kija nods.

Just then, he notice the stranger behind you and questions.

"Y/N, who's this?"

"Oh, he helped me earlier when the books dropped" You say and turn to him.

You take a good look at him. He is tall, not to mention gushing hot with those glasses. *ahem* Tall, handsome, gushing hot and has long green hair.

"Thank you for your help" You say.

"I'll always be here whenever a cutie lady like you is in danger" He says with a wink and you can't help but to blush.

"I've never seem you around the campus before" Kija mumbles, feeling a little irritated.

"My name is Jaeha, a Year 4 here. Please to meet you" Jaeha says, introducing himself. 

"Nice to meet you Jaeha-senpai! I'm Y/N and this is Kija-kun!" You say.

Kija says nothing, simply nodding. 

"Alright then, I best be off. See you around Y/N-chan~" Jaeha says, not before taking your hand and kissing it.

You and Kija's eyes widen. You become flustered and you were blushing greatly while Kija on the other hand is feeling boiling anger. 

"See you then Y/N-chan" Jaeha winks before leaving, leaving you stunned by his actions. 

"Y/N" Kija called but you weren't responding. 

You were still surprised by his action which starts to make your heart flutter. Kija notice the expression you were making and clench his fist tight.

"Y/N!" Kija called to which you finally respond. 

"SHHH!!" The students hushed again.

You and Kija bow in apology and Kija quickly drag you out of the library.

"K-Kija-kun! Slow down!" You said. 

The two of you then left the library and made your way to an ice cream parlor. 

"I'm craving for ice cream" You say out of the blue, noticing the ice cream parlor. 

"Stay here, I'll buy for you" says Kija.

"H-Huh? Wait, Kija-kun! Aaaand he's gone" You say to yourself. 

You patiently wait for Kija to return with two ice cream in his hand, to which he hands you the cookies and cream flavour and your eyes sparkle.

"Cookies and cream! Thank you Kija-kun!" You exclaim. 

Kija smiles as he takes a seat beside you and both of you lick your ice cream.

"Y/N" Kija calls and you respond with a 'Mmm?'.

"Be careful around flirts like Jaeha-senpai" Kija says and you giggle. 

"Don't worry. He's probably just joking with us. Besides, I doubt we would see each other again after that" You say naively.

"Don't be too sure Y/N. I just want you to be safe, that's all" says Kija and you stop licking your ice cream as you glance at Kija. 

"Yun?" Kija slowly nods and you sigh. 

"You all worry too much... I'm fine... Really" You assure but Kija simply shakes his head. 

"I just don't want THAT to happen again" Kija says softly and your eyes widen.

You tremble upon those horrible memories. The worst nightmare you could ever experience in your life. It had traumatized you, left a permanent scar in your mentality. 

Kija notice you trembling and he slowly pulls you towards him, placing your head on his chest with his head on yours as he caress your head.

"I will protect you Y/N" Kija says softly as he patiently calms you down. 

To Mend Her Broken Heart (Kija x Reader x Jaeha)Where stories live. Discover now