Bringing Her Home

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This is during the opening night episode but it's going to start off with the night before opening night. It opens with Ej's plan being put into action.

Ej's POV

So at this point Gina has been gone for almost two weeks now and I have spent every waking moment trying to figure out how to get her back, even if it is just for one day. I'll take one last day than letting it end the way it did. Yeah I got the better ending compared to everyone else but still. As much as I wish I could just drive up and get her, she is way too many states over and even my parents wouldn't allow me to do that even with my senior status. Think Ej think, there has to be a way...that's when it hit me. PLANE TICKET. PLANE TICKET! Man why didn't this come to my head sooner. Despite the. 4.3 GPA, I am a dummy for not thinking of this way sooner. I don't care how much it costs, in this family money is no object. I honestly got annoyed whenever money got me into things I didn't earn but I will say, being able to do this is great. I can buy her the plane ticket tonight and she can be here right as our play starts. Now the only thing is convincing her and her mom to let this happen. I'm sure Gina is used to airports by now but this is for a different reason and she'd be riding the plane by herself too. I know she's no damsel in distress but I don't want anyone worrying over her. This is so last minute as well, I wonder if she'll even agree to it. She always talks about how much she misses us so maybe she'll miss us to much to the point where she'll say yes without any questions. At this point I guess all I can do is ask...

He slowly picks up his phone with his hand shaking in the process. He knows he has to do this so why is he so nervous...probably because it's a 50/50 chance she will agree to this and he'd be heartbroken if she said no. But something his mother always told him is that his answer is always no if you don't ask so here it goes....

To Gina:
Ej: Hey G, so I want to talk to you about something...

Five Minutes Later

Gina: Hey Ej, what's going on? Is everything okay?

Ej: Yeah everything is great, I um just had this crazy idea and I wanted to run it by you first.

Gina: Alright Caswell let me hear it.

Ej: Um can I actually FaceTime you, that would make this a whole lot easier for me. My hands are shaking too much right now.

Gina: Go for it.

FaceTime Call

Ej: So ever since you left I've been thinking nonstop about how to bring you back here. Honestly if I could drive up there I would but I can't and then this great idea came to mind. What if I just bought you a plane ticket and flew you out here for opening night? I mean come on G, both you and I know how much you want to be there to perform and just see everyone in general. I have the money and I have no problem doing this for you, please just take this into consideration or some type of thought please...

Gina: *eyes are wide open along with her hands over her mouth due to this realization that this boy really cares about her* ar-a...are y-you ser..serious Ej?!

Ej: Yes I'm serious. It's not fair for you to miss all of this. Especially after all the work you put into all the choreography and just the show in general. I know this is a lot to ask but any chance at seeing you again is worth taking.

Gina: Wow Ej, I really don't now what to say. I've never had anyone go out their way to bring me back to them. As much as I like this idea, I don't know how I could ever convince my mom to go through with this. It's only been each other all our lives since my dad left before I was born and my brother leaving once he got older and-

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