Chapter 12

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3rd person's POV
"Just tell me what made you sad!"


It turned silent as Anne and Marcy stared at each other, both shocked at what Marcy said.

"W-What?" Anne asked.

Marcy sighed before saying. "Well, there's no point in hiding it now..."

Anne stared at her, waiting for an answer.

Marcy gulped before saying. "It's just- you're always so caught up in your own world, that you don't even stop and ask me how I feel."

Anne shook her head and said. "That's not true!"

Marcy raised an eyebrow and said. "Really?"

Anne opened her mouth but quickly shut it.

"Exactly! You can't even say anything!"

"And, do you even know if I like our kisses?"

Anne nodded and said. "Of course you do, we both agreed to kissing each other."

Marcy sighed before saying. "Yeah, you're right."

It stayed silent before Marcy spoke up.

"But what about the girl you like?"

To be continued...

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