Chapter Twenty

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Rayne's Pov

"Fine then, sit here and just worry!" Slamming the door to the galley I storm away from the crew. Flexing my fingers I sigh and saunter out onto the deck of the submarine. For days I'd been arguing back and forth with everyone to get together and start off to wherever Law went with the Whitebeard Pirates. Sure I really wanted to find him to kick his ass and get some answers but at the same time I was skeptical. 

Storming into the town I take the familiar steps tot he medicine hut where a familiar old red head was. Coming inside I see her finishing up with a patient by giving them a royal dressing down. It was a woman who was pregnant. Her face was tight and a hand rested on her swollen stomach. 

I feel a pang of jealousy, I would've had a child right now had I actually been pregnant. Without thinking about it my hand finds its way to my stomach. I almost don't know what was worse, never having a baby at all and believing you did or being pregnant and having a miscarriage. Once again anger washes over me, Law was going to burn when I got my hands on him. I don't care what he was thinking, it's unacceptable.

"Now, don't let me hear about you doing something so stupid again." Ariana says as she taps the pregnant woman on the forehead. 

The woman nods and hurries out of the hut clutching the medicine to her chest. I step aside and let her go past me. Ariana cleans up the paper that she places down on the examination table muttering under her breath. 

"What happened now? I can feel your anger from here." The old woman says without looking up from what she was doing. 

I sigh and sit down on one of the stools in the small hut, "What else? They're refusing to go after the bastard!" I growl. 

"Well can you blame them? They know you're on a warpath and they are loyal to their captain." She tosses away the paper into her small fireplace; amping the flames up.

"Still how can they still be so-so... fucking loyal? He betrayed me and them!"

My hands clench and unclench as I imagine crushing Law's throat in between my hands. Ariana sighs and flicks me on the forehead, "Listen honey, I get the fact that you're upset your man 'betrayed' you but honey her probably had a good reason for it." She holds a finger up at my look to silence me, "Now listen, I understand wanting to give your husband a hit upside the head, I do. My own husband cheated on me and let me tell you I broke his kneecaps,"

"Is there a point to this?" I cut in.

She flicks me again, "The point is that while kicking his ass is something you should do, don't let him rule your life and thoughts until you get your revenge."

"Oh great, that's your angle, go ahead and tell me that I should just let him get away with it." She smacks me yet again.

"I am not telling you that! Now get up off of that ass of yours and find something constructive to do! Without your stupid crew piloting that ugly as hell yellow submarine you're not going anywhere!"

Shaking my head I stand up and exit the hut, I didn't need to be here either. Getting out of there I hurry off to the beach, perhaps going to a place without people would make me feel better. Under my feet the ground crunches. The warm breeze brushes past me, tugging at my hair and blowing it into my eyes.

This island was so nice... if I wanted to disappear. 

Sitting down in the sand I sigh and curl my legs up to my chest. Maybe she was right and I should sit back and think about this. I mean, I don't even know where Law was going. Laying back on the sand I yawn wide; I don't sleep much nowadays. 

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