Chapter 6

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My body was still shaking as I ran from my car to the house, taking two steps at a time pushing through the door, I had every intention of gathering my loved ones and running from this horrifying town.
But they were waiting.

"Mom! Mom we have to lea…" my voice trailed off as the room full of people stopped to stare. My heart skipped a beat at the scene laid out in front of me and cold sweat trickled between my shoulder blades. The memories were still so fresh as the past few weeks flashed through my mind, it was the turning point of my existence and my life seemed to pivot onto a dark twisted path. My family surrounded by predators and Max was at its apex.

Wrapping my head around the fact that your mother really was dating a vampire with offspring of his own was quiet a lot to take in after having only just found out about the existence of the mythological creatures. It was kind of like an intervention of sorts, or a seriously warped version of one. I can remember Edgar Frog's sneer as he and his sibling were dragged unceremoniously out of the house, "Blood sucking brady bunch!"
I guess he was right, the decision was made, and we were forever tied now.

The only other person to speak out was Grandpa, he had walked right through the middle of everyone to his taxidermist hideaway only stopping for the briefest of moments, "One thing I never could stand in Santa Carla, all the damn vampires" before slamming the sliding doors closed. After that, things had been quite civil, unexpectedly.

Mum seemed happy now too, Max was still the same chivalrous gentleman he was before and promised to wait until she was ready for the undead lifestyle. Michael and his girlfriend were the only ones who got the sour end of the stick, being forced to turn fully because of their unstable behaviour. Nothing else really changed except for the fact I had been avoiding the so called lost boys. And I had been doing a decent job of it for the last month, always leaving for work before the sun set. Consequently, my luck had just run out.

As I finished wiping down the tables late on a Friday night in the almost deserted diner a sudden chill crept up my spine, we only had a few scattered drunks getting their last minute fatty fix of cheesey fries but It felt like I was being stalked. I couldn't help but turn at the obnoxiously loud dingling of the door.

In walked the last thing I wanted to see, David in all his enticing black leather charm.

He sent an arrogant salute my way as he began his advance, waves of dominance rolled towards me as the atmosphere thickened. Staff and patrons watched on, caught like me, he had that effect on people. Reeling you in with a strange magnetic fascination. I couldn't have hidden my panic-stricken face if I tried.

"Bree, I'm taking my smoko," of course I didn't smoke but such was the expression, she offered no reply though. The inhuman male looked pleasantly surprised as he made his way over to the counter, obviously expecting to meet, but I had no plans of talking to the vampire. Ducking back threw the kitchen in a flurry of limbs and almost slipping over the freshly mopped tiles, I swung around the corner and followed the familiar rout to the locker room.

My heart was running like a freight train as I stuffed my body into my tall locker. My hands came up to cover my mouth in an attempt to silence my laboured breathing but the creaking of the door followed by the click of a lock had my body shaking uncontrollably. Why was I always putting myself into these vulnerable situations? I was not cut out for the lost boy's cat and mouse games.

The echo of David's shoes drawing closer pulled me back to reality as my eyes darted up to meet his piercing blue pupils peering in at me from between the grates. The awkward confines of the locker made it impossible to escape and I was suddenly feeling a very real crushing wave of claustrophobia. My hearts rhythmic contractions palpitate with one swift pull of David's finger, he motioned for me to come out, but I hesitated. The creature stepped back to light a cigarette, completely focused on the job at hand. The danger oozed off him in this small room and I began to fidget not sure how to proceed. Those handsome eyes travelled sluggishly back up to meet mine, like he could see straight past the metal locker.

"Come'on out Emily," his cold tone sent strange tingles over my body and I couldn't help but submit. David's sex appeal wasn't lost on me, even given the circumstance as a niggling wave of heat swirled between my thighs. It caused my legs to wobble as I stepped in front of the man, but my throat threatened to close up as I stood under his scrutiny. My experiences were so limited with these immortal beings that I didn't know how to proceed. Strong fingers pulled my chin upwards and I found our bodies too close for comfort. His arm encircled my waist pulling me flush against the firm male specimen. I briefly wondered where his cigarette had gone but those thoughts flew away with the intoxicating scent that surrounded me. David said nothing as he studied me. It made me more anxious as the silence stretched on.

"Are-are you here for.." it was so hard to speak the words, "Blood?" an unnerving smirk danced along his lips at my question. They weren't meant to hurt us, max had made that abundantly clear but after my last encounter with the boys I assumed I might still be on the menu as an entree.

"If you're offering" David bent down towards my neck as I held my breath. What was the point fighting against something 10 times stronger than yourself? Closing my eyes, I braced for the inevitable as his mouth met my exposed flesh. He planted a soft kiss and licked the area before releasing me. Logically it was absolutely repulsive, but my body didn't think so. A mix of arousal and embarrassment set in causing my cheeks to flare up. What we're these guys doing to me?

David leant against the wall of lockers with his cigarette making a re-appearance, gosh he had the bad boy act down to a tee. My arms came up to hug my insecurities as I tried to calm down my rapid heartbeat. If he wanted me dead it would have already happened, I was at least hopeful that they didn't play with their food.

"Max is" he held me in regard as smoke cascaded from his lips "concerned".

David took a long drag before continuing, "his perfect little family is not bonding like he'd hoped. More specifically his new favourite daughter isn't playing ball, and now I have to fix it". I hadn't realized that my absence had been noticed to this extent, "Stop running from us Emily". Crushing the butt under his boot, David sauntered over to me again as I stumbled back from his intimidating form.

"Family dinner at your place, tomorrow night," he lent in," be there."

"I...I can't, I'm working" I managed to squeak out as he turned to leave.
David stilled in his tracks as his muscles tensed through his jacket.

"Not anymore" his strong tone caused butterflies to erupt in my stomach when he shot a smug grin over his shoulder.

I couldn't just skip a shift, that's not how employment worked.

Unintelligible syllables fell from my mouth as my tongue tried to form words, but it was too late, he had left.

Taking a calming breath, I sorted out my feelings and came to the realization that this wasn't going to be how I started off our 'family bonding'. David wasn't going to dictate my life, I was a fully-grown adult. So, I worked up my courage and took off after him.

Rushing past the kitchen,spotting David's figure leaving but before I could go after him my boss, Mr. Thomas stopped me.

"Hey Emily, why don't you take the rest of the night off".

He was a burly man who did most of the cooking, not usually the most polite but civil enough towards me.

"No, its fine sir. I don't need…" he didn't let me finish as he wiped his greasy hands against an already dirty apron.

"Fully paid of course! And you should take tomorrow off too. You have been working really hard lately. Bree will pick up your shift" I looked at him closer and the distinct sign of dazed fear stared back at me. What had David done to him!

"Off with ya now, go enjoy your night" I didn't miss how Mr. Thomas glanced through the windows at David's retreating body amongst the dissipating crowd.

That infuriatingly manipulative vampire was going to get me fired. My blood boiled with rage, something I hadn't felt in years. I gave my best fake thank you and left, not bothering to change or grab my things. I was headed straight for David as I ran to catch up, the lights of the boardwalk were starting to shut down now, but the music was still pumping through the speakers. He had to undo whatever it was that he had done. Max hadn't told me much of what their abilities entailed but I gathered it wasn't too far off the thinly vailed versions of any horror films. He had to fix it, I wasn't going to let him screw this up for me!

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