Chapter 15

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I'd lost my bearings. Desperation was the only thing guiding me now as I ran from the Lost boys. I didn't dare look back, knowing my time was short. My heart was in my throat, beating its way out with every painful breath I took to try and calm the fear. I'd messed everything up in just one night.

There was no reprieve as I pushed past bystanders in my way. I was being slowed down considerably by the swell of tourists but there were just so many people on the boardwalk now.

I might stand a chance, if only I could make it to my car. The emergency duffle bag of spare clothes was in there, I could make a fresh start in another state, leave all this behind. Run far away where they wouldn't find me, or perhaps that was just wishful thinking. But it was the only glimmer of hope I had to hold onto because my logic had already fled.
My feet stumbled when I scooted through a particularly large group of teenage girls, one of them shoving me out of their way, causing me to slam straight into a colourful jacket of patchwork. My shaking hands planted straight onto Marko's chest preventing my fall.

"Boo," His teeth nibbled on a thumb as he hid the mischievous grin behind it. Marko's eyes glanced down to the fingers spread across his chest, but I was already retracting them with haste. My feet decided to do the smart thing and turn away, but Marko's hands landed down on my shoulders sending waves of cold sparks through me, freezing me on the spot.

I saw only mirth when I peered up into the familiar brown orbs, humor at my failure so early in this little game. My mute form just waiting to be taken so easily by the monster holding me in check.

"We'll give you a head start" Marko said playfully as his strong grip spun me to face the passing crowd who paid us no mind. I could feel his lips ghost over my ear when he bent low, his cool breath fanning along my neck.

"Run" he whispered hauntingly and lightly pushed me forward.
Never questioning the second chance, I took the opportunity to escape. I had to get out, but adrenalin caused my body to quake with each step leaving me weakened. It was getting harder to suck air into my lungs, it felt like I was wading through a swamp and getting nowhere. My eyes spotted a back alley that looked vaguely familiar, rushing through the small gaps of tourists, I finally made it to the opening only to be stopped again in my tracks.

Paul had his back leaning against the brick wall, just waiting for me to enter the dimly lit area. He sent me a little wave with a devilish smile before pushing off and strolling forward. His blue eyes shining brighter within the shadows from which he lingered. I was certain Paul would drag me into his clutches given the chance, but I stayed just out of reach.

"You runnin' from somethin' babe?" he teased with a wink.

This couldn't be happening. My mind had to be playing tricks on me, or it was them playing with their food.
One more deep breath of panic and I was off again, weaving through the crowd. My legs beginning to ache from the jolting of unplanned exercise, but I couldn't stop for fear of being caught.

It wasn't long before Dwayne popped up with his lazy smirk. The shirtless vampire was sitting on his motorbike in the middle of the street I'd tried to take. Hands resting on the handlebars as he waited. Despite the flow of people, he only had eyes for me, those brown pools were like melted liquid flowing around my body and threatening to pull me in.

I took a step back and that was all it took for Dwayne to kick off, bringing the rumbling engine to life. He idled it in preparation for the chase, his lips turning up into a full-blown grin.

"Need a ride, Chica?"

The panic just exploded inside me. I was being herded like a little lamb to slaughter.

He jerked the bike forward slightly causing the swell of people to jump away from the vehicle, leaving a clear run straight to me.

No matter which path I took I seemed to come across one of my tormentors but that didn't mean I was going to give up.

Dwayne took off after me as I ran and only narrowly missed me as I lurched left off the road. The entrance to the boardwalk came into view, I hadn't realized I was so close to the carpark. With everything I had left, I began to sprint. I could hear the motorbike behind me getting closer again and I tried to ignore it as I pulled keys from my pocket. It took seconds but felt like minutes when my fingers fumbled trying to get the door open and the car started.

I sped off onto the main road at well over the legal limit, followed by headlights of what was now three motorbikes, the roar of their engines making me dizzy as the noise surrounded me. Trying to focus on outrunning the boys sent me into overdrive and I took every turn I could in hopes of evading them, but I was completely ignorant to which streets I had taken.

Fog started flooding onto the pavement as I turned into what appeared to be a deserted road. The lights behind me became distant until there was nothing there at all. This felt wrong, there were no more turns, I could barely see in front of me.
Cold sweat dampened my body as I clenched harder and harder on the steering wheel while I tried to see ahead. But a flash of light had me slamming on my breaks. My car came to a complete stop and an eerie dread washed through me as I looked out over Hudson bluff. The fog had cleared away giving a spectacular view of the lighthouse in the distance flashing its warning beacon, protecting unsuspecting travelers from an ill fate.

My mind felt so fragile like it was about to shatter, no matter what I did, I just kept coming back to them. I didn't know how to make it stop.




My eyes gazed out over the ocean as the light flashed past me for the fourth time. There was never going to be an escape, I should have realized back at the start. Maybe I could have spent more time enjoying my remaining mortal life instead of tying my own noose.

Looking into the rear-view mirror, I was startled by the last predator of the group. David was patiently waiting in my back seat with an air of lethal grace that threatened to smother me in the small confines of the car. Arms comfortably spread over the back rest watching me with his inhuman calmness. His blue eyes clashed with mine over my inability to move, I could see his finger begin to tap as the minutes ticked by.

"I...I'm..s..sorry" I stammered out fearfully. The weight of everything compiled on top of me until I felt like I was going to be crushed by it.

"I know" David acknowledged with a misleading smirk.

My eyes darted to the door handle and back up to the mirror, he was still waiting, eager to see what I'd do next. With a slight jerk of his head towards the door, the monster dared me to try.
As soon as I made it out of the door David was on me, pinning me against the car, his body pressed against mine. One hand caressing my neck and the other firmly keeping my hips in place.

"You never had a chance, Em" he mused and let out a low hum of approval when his nose trailed along my fear drenched neck. I must have been drowning in it after this little game and now I was surrounded by David's enticing scent leaving my body in turmoil.

"I told you not to do anything stupid" David chided, playfully.

"Just let me go, please!" I whispered desperately, already breathless from our proximity. Begging was my last option at this point.

"I can't do that Emily," the vampire stroked a few stray tears from my face and traced his fingers further down my throat as I shivered from his alluring touch, "it's the end of the road."

He took a few paces back towards the cliff and turned to watch the ocean waves crash into the rocks. The sound of it suffocating me like I was the one being thrown against the unstoppable force of nature.

"Come on down" I was meant to go, to allow the creatures to consume and alter me until I became one of them. The choice was never mine to make, and it made my legs stiff as they tried to move.

The cool sea breeze tangled through my hair when I met him at the edge, the vampire held out a hand that I shakily took and led me leisurely down the rickety stairs to my unwanted future.

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