Chapter 11

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The warm glow of the afternoon sun streamed in through the blinds sending streaks of light across dozens of books on a neatly made bed. There in the middle I sat completely submerged in my current choice of reading material. Something I would not usually be interested in if it weren't for my current situation.
Frustration plagued me as I flicked through the stupid comic book Sammy had given me months ago. Each page less useful than the last. I turned my bedside lamp on in hopes of illuminating some secret information I may have missed.

Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes and tried to refocus. There had to be something in here, something that could help.

Bright red smears of ink flowed out of the drawn victims while vampiric monsters feasted on their necks. Completely accurate from what I had seen and I was unfortunate enough to have the live recollection of their screams permanently etched into my memory. Flipping through the pages a little more, searching past vampires and holy weapons, stopping at what I assumed to be protection tactics. I'm going to assume garlic was still a no go, but maybe the reluctance of an invitation at my homes threshold might provide protection.

Shaking my own head at the stupidity of the idea, of course the boys already had an invitation and me revoking it wouldn't work if the rest of the occupants still welcomed their presence. My mother being the nurturing soul she is always beckons them in with open arms.

I could leave, run as far away as I could, abandoning my family, but without Max's approval I'd be hunted down, I was sure of that. Though It didn't stop me from keeping a duffel bag of essentials in my car just in case.

My fingers began tracing my forearm lightly as a slight chill trailed along my inner arm bringing a tingling sensation. I absently grabbed my jacket from the end of the bed, zipping it up to cover myself. Had I been paying more attention to the fading golden hues across my walls I would have known exactly what this feeling meant.

I pulled the sleeves up a little making sure to cover my wrists, hiding the marks I'd recently obtained days before. Just like the first bite that the shortest vampire had left on my neck, the others had followed suit and become permanent stains on my skin.

But I didn't want their marks. I didn't want to be a plaything, a blood bag or their human pet. I wanted to be free of them. To stop the dangerous thoughts that now plagued my mind at night, no matter how hard I tried to avoid them. Tossing and turning in my bed, my body always so heavy and in need of rest. Yet I felt them watching from every corner of the room.

They were always lurking behind my closed lids, an illusion of desire waiting to pounce.

In the shadow of night their hands pulled and tugged at my restricting clothes, desperate to taste the flesh underneath.

Caressing my exposed skin, sending shivers through my yearning body until suddenly they would disappear like mist with the rising sun leaving only a ghost of their touch lingering within my consciousness as I woke.

How were they doing this to me?

There were so many questions flooding my mind yet no answers to save me from the raging waters. Just some eager vampires ready to pull me down with them.

"Your not lookin to kill us, are you Em?" A familiar voice chided playfully. My heart skipped a beat before trying to hammer it's way out of my chest. I'd lost track of time...

My wide eyes looked up completely caught off guard By Paul's mischievous grin. My lips parted to explain myself but I had no words to speak. The last time I'd seen the rock star vampire he was sending my body over the edge in a shameful display of my weak judgment.

Heat shot through me and with it the unmistakable feeling of arousal. My thighs clenched together in an attempt to subdue those rabid hormones and embarrassment set in as his eyes trailed over my frigid form. They lingered for the briefest of moments before scanned the books around me as he closed the door and moved forward in the room. My face flamed with the awkward situation that he failed to recognise. Not being able to meet his orbs head on , I followed his gaze and took in the mass amount of literature I had obtained from the library, mythology, vampires, urban legends were just a few of the stand outs.

By the time I had realised how incriminating things looked Paul had crashed down beside me on the bed in a lazy manner.

"N-no...I w-was just" I was just what? My stuttering attempts were pointless when I had no answer. No, I wasn't trying to find ways of killing them but I was still sneaking around behind their backs for information.

Paul flipped through a few pages of a random book snorting at its contents before plucking the offending comic book from my fingers. His giggles were humiliating to say the least as he leant into me, his elegant finger prodding the page bringing my attention to a particularly graphic image of a stake being plunged deep into a vampires chest with blood exploding everywhere.

"If you really want to kill a vampire this is the way to do it" Paul said playfully, his eyes almost twinkled with mirth.

In the blink of an eye his body moved unexpectedly over my own, completely catching me off guard and I was forced onto my back to maintain the small distance between us. Books dug into my shoulders uncomfortably, I was left with nowhere to go as he hovering above me, playing with a few stray locks of my hair while my mind tried to catch up.

The golden locks framing Paul's face seemed even more erratic from this angle under him. Every beautiful feature of his perfect face shone through and blinded my mind to the danger of being within his clutches.

"But you have to do it right the first time or we are going to come back for you." Paul's fingers began trailing down from my neck lightly leaving a scorching path across my collar bone and towards my heaving chest. He stopped just shy of my left breast as it swelled, with each shallow breath I took in his sweet intoxicating scent, it left a drunken feeling in my brain.

"Right here, straight through the heart" his hand flattened out as he listened to the frantic rhythm under his palm, Paul's face lost its homour and his eyes bore into mine. The haunting melody of my pounding heart filled my ears and blood rushed through my body drowning out everything except his voice. His arm fell away to collect my own trembling hand, pressing it firmly over the exact place his own heart was located.

Dipping lower he whispers in my ear, "Don't miss Em."

Just as Paul began to pull away my fist grasped his mesh shirt, stilling his movement's. I wanted to say something, anything to dispel the guilty feeling now engulfing my heart. Our lips were inches apart, with one deep intake of air I felt like I could breathe him in.

Before I could say anything Marko bounced into the room, swinging the door wide for a trailing Dwayne to enter.

Thank you for reading!

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