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Claire awoke drenched in sweat, and fear crept at her heart. She sat upright and breathed unevenly, aware that it had been just another nightmare, the same nightmare she kept having for the past four days. She turned to her clock and noticed the time. It was 3 a.m., and her sleep would no longer come. So she decided to leave early to go warm up for her dance class. Claire had passed chemistry and physics all with help from Tony, but today, she needed to focus on her dance routine. She was, after all three days in a half, away from her last dance audition, the one that could help her get into the best dance team.
Stepping out quietly, she went for the door that led to the elevators.
"You're up early," Tony said from the couch.
"You couldn't sleep?" Claire asked, turning to face him.
"It's 3 am. Are you going to the dance studio downstairs?" Tony asked instead. Tony had them built in for Claire specially almost in two weeks, so she wouldn't have to be going to the dance studio so late. Here in the building, he knew he could have his security on watch around the premises, knowing that his sister was safe was all that mattered. 
Claire nodded. "Tommy is coming at six, and I thought I'll warm up for our run," Claire yawned. She needed time to think.
After last night's conversation, Claire was trying to piece two and two together. Her heart ached for her biological parents. How she had known very little and so did Tony. But it was a lot to take in. Claire held Tony's hand as he spoke. "We never found a lead."
Tony nodded softly, but Claire knew he was trying to read her.
"Okay, well, I'll see you later," She told him as she lifted her bag over her shoulder.
After her first lap run with Tommy, Claire breathed heavily, nearly gasping for air. She had been running with Tony, but Tony had been pushing her too hard, and Tommy was doing just the same.
Claire gave up she shook her head and held on to her side. "I can't, Tommy,"
"Come on babe,"
"No!" She snapped at him.
Tommy stopped in his tracks and let out a sight. "From the moment Tony walked in, all you've done is space out during our dates, ignoring me. What's going on with you?" Tommy asked.
Claire sighted. "Nothing," she breathed faintly.
"You're different," Tommy said. He watched her for the longest time. "Claire," he finally said. "Maybe all of this is too much for you and..."
"Don't," Claire began. "I just need time to think..."
Tommy disagreed. "I love you, Claire, but I can't do this anymore, at least not until you've found out what you want,"
"Tommy," Claire shook her head. "Don't,"
Tommy kissed her forehead. "Bye Claire."
That morning, after going back upstairs, Claire felt emotionally drained. She had not shed a tear, not a single tear, but her heart could say otherwise. She felt lightheaded when she entered the top floor. "Good morning, Miss,"
The office workers, receptionist, and security would greet every day, and Claire would simply nod. She wasn't used to this much attention. As she made her way out of the elevator, she could feel her eyes averting to the cameras in the top left. Tony wasn't in when she got to the penthouse. This gave Claire time to go shower and get something to eat. When Claire got cleaned up, she made eggs and waffles with bacon and sausages. She turned to the doors and saw Happy Tony, Rhodey, and Pepper walking in.
Happy walked in. "Ohhhhhh, something smells delicious," he took a seat across the table and saw all the food.
"I thought we could all have some breakfast,"
"Count me in, baby," Rhodey grinned. He walked over toward the table and grabbed a plate.
Pepper smiled. "Yes, of course,"
Tony didn't grab a plate, but he did stare at Claire for a moment. "What's wrong?" He asked her.
"I'm fine," Claire lied.
"Are you trying to lie to me, Claire?"
"Why don't you mind your own business," she told him.
"You are my business," he clarified. "Can we talk?"
Claire sighted. She placed her plate down. She wasn't as hungry as she thought she would be and followed Tony outside toward the balcony, the glass doors closed behind them.
"I kept my side of the bargain. If you want to leave, you can, but you have to come visit once in a while," Tony told her as he eyed her. His eyes measured her face, especially her eyes. He didn't want her to leave. He had just gotten her back.
Claire clenched her teeth a little and finally shrugged. "I don't think I want to leave,"
Tony smiled.
"Besides, Tommy and I broke up this morning," Claire felt like she needed to tell him.
Tony's mood changed. ", okay?"
"I don't think I am, but I will be," She assured him.
Tony let out a sight. "I'm not so good with this whole pat on the back thing, but I'm willing to be... for you,"
"Thanks," It sounded like a question.
Tony pulled her in awkwardly into a side hug, and Claire looked at Tony. "So can we go get breakfast?"
" coming to show you some ropes,"
"I have my dance final in three days. I can't be sore,"
Claire knew about Nat. Pepper had been filling her in on the Avengers, and that was a good thing too because apparently Tony was throwing her a welcoming home party. Claire had obviously objected, but she couldn't get around his thick head. After her final dance, whether she made it or not, Claire was going home to go see her grandfather. He hadn't been well, and she missed him dearly. And it didn't help that she kept having nightmares about a soldier coming after Tony, especially her.

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