Dance Audition

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Claire had only just walked into the auditorium when she realized someone was calling her name.
"Excuse me!" Pep squeezed through the crowd that was leaving the auditorium and managed to get by and reach Claire.
"Hi," Pep greeted. She eyed the girl and could not look away. It was the eyes. They held the same deepness that Tony's held.
Claire looked at the blonde woman and didn't hide the confusion and questionable stare she gave her. She didn't have time to talk, so she sped it up. "Yes?" Claire asked. "Do I know you?"
Pep let out a sight. "Oh, no, we don't know each other as a matter of fact we're complete strangers to one another, but that's besides the see, I'm CEO to..."
"Dancestars line?" Claire quickly jumped to conclusions she had heard they were coming. She looked around the crowd.
Pep shook her head, disappointing the poor girl. "I'm afraid not,"
"Oh," Claire felt awkward. "Listen..." she began. "I have a dance audition to get too..." she gestured with her hand, pointing at the general direction toward the backstage of the auditorium.
"Oh, right!" Pep didn't want to keep her. "I'll follow you in," Pepper disappeared through the doors that led to the seats.
Claire didn't say much after that she went behind the stage. In the back, she dropped her bag and began to stretch next to it. "Today is the day," she whispered to herself. All Claire ever wanted was to be a professional dancer. Years of practice and it all came down to this. Claire let out a long sight and got on her feet. She began to stretch her arms, her back and her legs.
Claire's dance instructor Mrs. Ruby waved her over. "Come here,"
Claire hurried over and looked at her teacher. "Yes?"
The wrinkles on her instructor lined softly on her face as she smiled. "The dancestar lines main director just arrived, I don't know who it is yet, but I'll find out,"
Claire felt her heart race. If she could get in, she would travel the world with the best dance group.
"Claire Benavides?" She was called to the stage. "You got this," Mrs. Ruby cheered her. Claire was ready, and today, she would come out strong.
Claire walked onto the stage and let out a small breath.
"You may begin," the director in the middle said with a simple wave of his two fingers.
Claire took a deep breath and took a pose as her song by Ben Platt, Grow As We Go began to play in the background. Claire began to dance as she felt the music, soft and slow, beginning to take over her. She leaped into the air like the ballerina she was and twirled. Not once! But twice! She did a rhythmic pattern as she moved her shoulders. In her dance, Claire had interpreting moves flow into the music. Claire couldn't mess up. She leaped into the air one more time as she gave her last finish and breathed heavily as she came to a stop.
Pepper gasped at her sight. She was obviously filled with amazement. Pepper
clapped loudly, forgetting that she had no right to be in there.
Claire didn't care for the strange woman at the moment she waited to see what the directors had to say. "That will be all for now," the women said. "Well, see you in two weeks,"
Claire wanted to jump, but she kept the excitement to herself as she nodded softly and walked out, breathing heavily.
"Yes!" Mrs. Ruby cheered.
Claire hugged her. "Two weeks!"
"That's the final cut," Mrs. Ruby told her. Claire couldn't keep the smile off her face. "Thank you so much for this!" If it wasn't for Mrs. Ruby Claire wouldn't have been able to make it so far.
Claire left the audition feeling hopeful. Soon, if it all went to plan, all she had to do was just work harder and get in. Claire began to walk down the sidewalk when she heard her name once more.
Claire stopped on her tracks and stared at the blonde women. "Okay," Claire said. "Can I help you with anything?" She asked the strange woman.
"Hi, I know we weren't introduced properly," Claire simply stared at her. "But I would like to... oh," Pepper realized there was no way around this. "I'm your brother's girlfriend."

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