Stranger's Meet

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Claire shook her head. "Lady, you're mistaking me for someone else," Claire walked right past her.
"Claire," Pepper followed her. "His been wanting to see you since you were five," Pepper now realized that maybe she had overstepped this situation. Now that she thought of it, there were times when she was able to fix situations considering the circumstances Tony put them in. But perhaps maybe this was up to Tony to figure out all on his own after all. Who knew, but all Pepper knew was that she had to try.
Claire stopped on her tracks. "Listen...I don't have a brother okay now if you'll excuse me, I'll like to be left alone." Claore walked past her shoving Pepper in the process.
When Claire got back to her dorm room, she took a seat on her bed and sat still. For moment she did nothing but contemplate on a poster her old roommate had left behind on the wall of the most famous Tony Stark, known as Iron man, known as a great engineer staring back at her.
She had been having such a great day! She had done so well on her dance audition. Now, she felt slightly bothered. 
Claire had known for a few years now who Tony was, and after her roommate left, she couldn't quite understand why she had not gotten rid of that stupid poster yet. But she didn't because a part of her wanted to know who he was, and a part of her filled with confusion. She had accepted it a few years ago after her adopted family had told her. In fact, she wasn't angry about it. Her family was her family. She loved them so much, and that was that. But Tony, this stranger... which she'd never met always carried a curiosity toward her, and Claire couldn't accept it. She had no hate for him. No feeling, just wonder. Why had he given her up? She took a deep breath. No, she couldn't do this to herself she couldn't dwell on this man who was nowhere near her family than her adoptive parents. She wouldn't lose focus now. Claire closed her eyes and shook her head. She needed rest.
The next morning, after her third period class was over, Tommy, her boyfriend, came up behind her.
"Hey beautiful,"
Claire smiled softly. She had been dating Tommy for over a year, and sometimes she wasn't used to such lovely greetings.
"Wanna grab something to eat?"
"I have to study for a final. What about afterward when I'm done," She circled her arms around his strong neck and grinned. "You can come over later, and we can study together if you know what I mean?"
Tommy chuckled. "Well, I'll see if I can after my chems class,"
Claire laughed. "Okay, I'll see you later." Tommy kissed her softly and walked the opposite way.
Claire didn't go study like she had said. Instead, she took a detour. She stood outside Stark Tower, biting her lip and overthinking every little thing. What was she even doing here? She should be back at her dorm studying for her physics exam. Instead, she was arguing with herself, whether to go in or bail. Claire finally sighted and nodded to herself screw it she needed to this. Why? Why did she? It's not like he owed her anything!
"You know, Tony does that same look in his eyes when his lost in thought or his either having such a hard time with himself," Pepper said. She was standing right behind her.
Claire grew slightly frustrated she turned to face the blonde. She got to Google right before she got here. "Well, I'm here," she stated.
"Yeah, okay," Pep nodded she didn't want to scare her away again. "Come on,"
As they walked in, Pepper had all the security start to lock up as she usually did at this time.
"Tony is in the lab..." Pepper told her.
Claire realized what was happening she wanted to stop on her tracks and forget this wasn't happening, but she knew if she turned back now, she wouldn't return, and it was now or never. She followed Pepper and stopped when Pepper shook her head apological. "We never really did get to introduce ourselves, I'm Pepper, but..."
"I know who you are," Claire pressed the button to the elevator. "I'm assuming we're going up?" She asked.
Pepper nodded. "Yes, we are."
Once inside the elevator, Pepper's security guy followed pursuit. He had followed them since Claire walked in. "How do you know my name?" Pepper asked after a while.
Claire didn't answer right away her heart was not beating heavily as she thought it would be. Perhaps this meet would be like meeting a stuck-up celebrity, so you'd have to remain calm and ignore the overly excited feel or else if it wasn't as great as one thought then the other didn't end up to disappointed.
"I googled you."
Finally, after reaching the final floor, Pepper stepped out and told the security to stay put with Claire in the hallway.
When Pepper disappeared through the doors, Claire decided to leave. She didn't really need this she had made a mistake. She turned back toward the elevators when a tall man came through the doors. He stared at Claire for the longest moment before smiling. "Hi, I'm Happy," he introduced himself, placing his hand out for a handshake.
Claire took his hand in hers and gave it a gentle squeeze before speaking. "Hi, I'm Claire..."
"Wow, okay," he breathed heavier than normal. "Here, let's take you in through here," Happy guided her through the doors, and they entered a large room that looked more like a lounge. "Well, take a seat," he smiled forcefully, then he ran toward a back door.
Claire looked around the room where a large desk rested on the opposite side of the windows. She could see all of New York from up here. Claire decided to go take a peek. Even though her fear of heights triggered her every cell, she went anyway. Claire was nervous, and she didn't know what to make of this. When she stood near the glass, she let out a sight. But as she looked closely through the lights fanning all over New York, she could see not only her reflection but Tony's, as well standing far behind her, looking nearly as lost as she.
Claire turned around slowly and finally met his eyes. He wasn't wearing his usual suit as she thought he would be. Instead, he wore a regular long-sleeved shirt and sweatpants.
Claire didn't say anything. For a moment, she could only stare at him. His eyes were very deep.
Tony cleared his throat and finally managed to say something. "Hi," he greeted. "I'm Tony Stark..."
"Yeah, I know who you are," she found herself saying the same things she had told Pepper. "I googled you,"
"Oh," he said. "Do you want something to drink?" He gestured toward a fridge filled with waters and soft drinks.
Claire felt anxious. All day today, she had been arguing with herself over this, and it was quite exhausting. "I can't..." she whispered.
Tony clenched his jaw. "Listen, I know I-I-I... Claire," he said her name for the very first time to his sister. "Stay, I would like that very much."

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