Chapter 2 "Welcome to the pack."

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The song for this chapter is Ignorance by Paramore.


When my consciousness came fleeting back to me, I saw I was in a barely furnished room. Its where they send bad wolfs as punishment - a time out. The ultimate 'naughty step'. One leap beyond 'go to your room and think about your actions'. It's nice to know they think so highly of me. My body was laid down on a bed and it seemed like that's how it was going to stay for the time being, considering they'd handcuffed me to it. Some people just have no manners...

I tugged my wrists, rattling the cuffs as I did. "Sorry it's just a precaution." Luke said making me notice him sitting on the only other piece of furniture in the room - a chair in the middle of the room, relatively near me. I could have sworn he was waiting on me to wake up. That's... well, that's just plain creepy.

"Your idea?" I asked, tugging on them and making them rattle. He nodded in reply with a slight smile, hearing the underlying hate in my voice. "You always were a kinky bastard." I remarked allowing my head to drop back onto the pillow-less mattress, ridding me of the uncomfortable strain in my neck. Personally, I wouldn't really know anything about that side of Luke other than the fact that he most definitely had one. I did leave the pack the day I turned sixteen and I'm not a total slut despite the rumors. As a matter of fact, for most of my life I was almost normal, that is when you count out the whole 'being a werewolf' thing. "I can break these you know." I told him lightly tugging on the chain once again. A simple yet firm pull and Luke would be up against a wall with a severely uncomfortable lack of oxygen and my hand around his neck.

He laughed shaking his head slightly. What gives? I'm funny now? I peeked at him giving him a look that basically said, 'shouldn't you be in a straight jacket?' "I'm not going to ask how you know that but for the next half hour, you can't." That would obviously have something to do with what he stabbed into my neck earlier. I bet it was wolvesbane. Thanks a lot Luke, real stellar guy. Oh well, I always have my plan B.

I smirked in his direction as I spoke. "Well, if it helps I've never been arrested." That may have been lie. It only happened like four times and it wasn't that extreme. Just theft... and assault... and maybe one or two other reasons.

"No actually that's just a really disturbing mental image." He laughed slightly but it got the thought in his head that he deserved. After all, he did knock me out and handcuff me to a bed. That sounds a lot dirtier than intended.

The slight feeling you get when you make a friend laugh managed to creep in on me. Luke wasn't really a friend, not since a while before I left. And then again, Luke was less of a friend than he was family. Being five years older he was like my annoying, overprotective older brother.

How could someone like me get that feeling? Sure, there were times when I missed certain things to do with this life but there was never time to dwell, never a dull moment.

There was a slightly awkward silence. Luke was obviously remembering the times we spent together before I changed, judging by the peter pan look in his eyes. I'm not that big of a fan of those good ol' days anymore.

"So where's the alpha." I asked breaking through the uncomfortable silence of the situation.

"On the other side of that door." He nodded his head towards a metal door. Around here wood just doesn't cut it. Mostly because we can cut the wood. Claws can turn the wood into sawdust or even a stake much too easily and considering this is where the rebels and maniacs are brought it's not the best of ideas. See why its such an honor to be sent here?

"Hey Hunter," I yelled making Luke jump from my sudden outburst. Strong beta, my ass. "Do me a favor and get whatever this is over with." Even though the door was closed I knew he could hear me. It's one of the werewolf advantages. Plus, the young teenage Hunter was pretty nosy. He was always in my business, especially when it didn't concern him. There was a time I wouldn't be surprised if he tracked my phones GPS. People change but he'd been pretty much the same little kid all his life. Why would he change now?

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