The Confession (Ending)

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A/N: Hey guys, sorry for the hiatus on this book. I couldn't think of any good ideas, and every time I tried to force myself to write a chapter I just felt unhappy- so I'm just going to end it with this chapter since I'm not one to discontinue my work. I'm sorry for the inconvenience guys. But I don't think that I'll ever have the motivation again to continue. If I do, then maybe I'll upload some fluff after this confession. Anyway, enjoy this little confession of Finada!

Once Canada has entered the room, he remembers of the food in the bedroom. He walks over to the owner of the voice, Sweden and then asks him if it's okay if he heads over to retrieve the forgotten food. Sweden only nods and tells him to hurry.

Once he heads on over to the bedroom and brings back the food, he notices that Finland is looking at him. But, instead of it being the regular look that Finland would probably give in this situation, it looks like one of... adoration? Or something along those lines. Canada remembers what Norway told him during the talk earlier, but it was hard to believe that Finland, the person known for shamelessly killing the Soviet Union, and known as probably the coldest person (A/N: Pun, not intended) in the sense that he isn't really in term with his feelings. So it's surprising for Canada when the Finnish walks over towards him, and looks him dead in the eyes.

"Canada... Mind if I talk with you? In private?" He asks as he looks towards the other Nordics. They all nod and head towards the basement. Then, his attention gets drawn back to Canada. The Canuck whose made him realize what it's like to love someone. The country that made him realize, that doing life alone with no one by your side is not the only way of success. And here, after all his thoughts, he's finally come to a decision. And if he happens to lose his best friend because of this occasion, then so be it. But, he knows that if he keeps these bottled up anymore... he'll have to end up bursting out anyway. Sooner or later.

So naturally, Finland chose sooner.

"Look, I'm sorry for rushing off earlier. It's actually because... I think I might-"

"You might love me?" the Canuck finished, remembering the talk with Norway.

Finland's eyes were filled with shock. "Y-yeah. H-how did you know?" He asked as he looked around. "Norway told me when we went outside. Well, not directly. He kind of hinted at it..." The Canadian said while blushing. "And, I think I return the feeling. I like the idea of being with you, Finland..." he whispers while looking at the Nordic.

The Finnish felt his heart explode at that sentence. The person he thought he'd lose by confessing actually has the same feelings towards him. He can't control himself when he laughs and states, "You look adorable" with no hesitation.

Canada smiles at him and lets loose a small giggle. "Yeah, think so?" He teases while looking to the ground.

"Oh, I don't think so. I know so" And then he makes his move. He kisses the Canadian. The Canuck, first being surprised then melting into the kiss, wrapping his arms around the others' neck. Finland wrapping his around his waist.

Once the kiss is broken, the two can't help, but to look at each other with love in each others' eyes.



A/N: Yeah- hi. Hope you liked this. The ending is just a little funny. Incase you couldn't tell, the "CONGRATS GUYS" is the rest of the Nordics, and the "SHUT UP" is Finland. Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed this journey. Again, sorry for the short ending, I was really wanting this to be longer but... yeah. Bye!

Word count: 645

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