Evening Falls

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After the conversation, Canada and Finland both sat down to watch a movie. The name of which is not important. During the movie, Canada unintentionally cuddles up against the Finnish's side. Finland gives a short smile before hugging Canada.

"What happened?"
"Nothing. You just looked cute like this" Finland said, watching as Canada's flag becomes redder than it should be. "FINLAND!" Canada jokingly punched him. Finland -pretending to make that punch harder than it actually was- falls on the couch. Canada chuckles.

"You're laughing at the fact you pushed me over??!!??" Finland said in a jokingly angry voice. Canada's light chuckles turn into full blown laughter. The movie was forgotten by now, Canada and Finland entertained by each other's presence. Finland looks as Canada laughs, his eyes lighting up with awe and love.

He quickly pushes those two feelings down again. Why was he like this today? They were just best friends, nothing else. And they never would be a thing. So why was he even feeling this way?

Canada could pick up the distress of the other. "Finn, is everything okay?" he said, as he sat beside the Finnish. Finland gently shook his head. "What's wrong? Could I maybe help?" Finland took a breath.

How was he supposed to tell his best friend he's in love with him?

A/N: Two updates in one day! I'm on a roll :D!

Word count: 228

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