Time to Think

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Finland was rather glad that Denmark gave him permission to leave. He walked over towards the stairs and down to the basement.

Once he had reached, he took a deep inhale and a sigh. He was finally free to try and clear his mind. To calm himself down. But the thing is, only thing that came to his mind was the thought of Canada's warm smile, the way his eyes lit up and the way the other would speak to him.

Finland grabbed his hair in frustration. No matter how hard he tried to hide the feelings, they seemed to be coming back to him tenfold. He knew that he wouldn't be able to hold it in for any longer and for sure will end up spilling out all his feelings to his best friend.

But the problem is, if he did that he'd loose him. For good. Who would ever love a person like him? Cold and not used to love? Surely not someone like Canada, who gets adored everywhere he goes. Who knows what it's like to feel loved every corner you turn. So how could he have a chance with him? It couldn't be possible. It would never be possible.

So it's just better to bottle up the feelings. Even if it hurts him, at least he won't lose his beloved friend.

Boy was this going to be a long night.

Finland walked back upstairs, Denmark's worried eyes on him. He had let Finland go only because he knew that the younger was having some sort of issue. Which Denmark didn't know of. So, he decided to ask.

"What's wrong Finland? Are you okay now?" The Danish asked, walking towards the taller and leaning against the kitchen counter. Finland only nodded. "I need words, Finn" he tried pushing.

"No. No I'm not fine" Finland finally blurted after a moment of silence, knowing when it comes to Denmark he'll never be able to leave without stating his current emotions. "And how so?" Denmark asked again, leaning more.

"I'm in love with my best friend and I don't know how to handle it. If I sleep with Canada, I won't be able to hide the feelings anymore. And..... I'm worried" Finland said, muttering the last part. Hoping deep in his heart that Denmark didn't hear it.

But Denmark being Denmark, of course he did. "Worried about losing him?" he asked, looking towards Finland with sympathetic eyes. Finland nodded, eyes soft. "I don't want to lose him. He's the best person I could've ever asked for to join my life. I don't want to lose him now. Maybe earlier it would've been fine but-" he paused, taking a breath. Then continued. "but at this point I'm to attached to him to let him go". Denmark smiled a weak smile before he hugged Finland. The taller hugged him back, fighting tears at the thought of Canada leaving him. "It'll be okay. I promise" Denmark whispered.

It'll be okay. Finland kept repeating those words in his head until he no longer felt nervous. Until he no longer had tears running down his cheeks. It's all going to be okay.


Word count: 526

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