Fear To Love

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The way that Finland and the other Nordics were chatting made Canada feel a sudden fire in his chest. Canada started wondering what the feeling could be. Was it jealousy or love? If it was either of those, why would he have those emotions towards his friend? Does Finland feel the same way? He quickly shook his head to get rid of all the confusion. Finland stopped chatting and looked towards the Canadian with a concerned look in his eyes. He told something to Sweden which he couldn't hear and pulled Canada aside.

"Are you okay Maple? Are you sick or something?" The Finnish asked, placing his hand on the others' forehead. The Canuck quickly shook his head and moved Finland's hand away. Finland never called Canada by their nickname unless it was something serious or Finland was really worried. "No, I'm fine. Was just thinking about something, that's all" the Canadian said, a smile on his face. Finland held one last look of concern in those icy blue eyes of his before smiling. "Okay then. But if you need anything, don't feel afraid to tell me. The promise you made me also applies to you too" he said, grinning. Canada nodded and they went back over to the living room.

Throughout the whole conversation, Canada was just sitting in the back while watching the other Nordics catch up and talk. He felt sort of happy and envious, since in his own room Australia and America always took up the spotlight. Not that he minded, since he did in the end get attention from his mother, France and occasionally his father too. But there was something else when he sat down on the chair in the dining room, sipping his Coke as he heard the soothing voice of Finland talk with his friends. He liked it so much in fact that he didn't even know what time it was.

"I should probably check what time it is. Can't stay up to late" Canada thought as he pulled out his phone. The time flashed on his screen. 6:14 it read and the Canuck sighed. He suddenly felt the need to ask where he was going to be sleeping in this big house. So, he walked up to the Nordics who were now drinking vodka and getting drunk Canada presumed.

"Hey, were am I going to be sleeping?" the Canadian asked in a soft voice. All the Nordics practically cooed when Canada came up to them, since he looked so much smaller in that instance. Expect Finland, he didn't find it cute but instead felt a huge amount of jealous at the fact that his brothers were looking at his Canada. But the Finnish quickly stopped his thoughts.

When had Canada become his? He shook his head at the thought. "Calm down Finn, you're just drunk. The vodka is getting to your head" he tried to convince himself. Instead he diverted his mind to the question in hand. "Yeah, where is 'Nada sleeping?". He gave a questioning look to Sweden who tried to not look back at his gaze.

"Well....." Sweden said but didn't continue when he locked eyes with the Finnish. "Well what? Don't leave us hanging" he said firmly.

Sweden gulped before answering: "You two will be needing to sleep in the same room. I hope it's not to much of a bother, since you guys have slept in the same room anyway in Finn's cabin" Sweden said in a fast voice, blurting every single word out of his mouth as fast as he could while looking at the ground. "I-is that fine?" he stuttered, looking towards the Finnish man. Finland looked shocked. He couldn't sleep with Canada when his feelings for the North American just kept on growing and growing. He knew at some point that he'd burst and let all his feelings out. He needed to distance himself, but how could he do that when he'd be needing to sleep in the same room as the said country?

"Finland, are you okay? You're looking paler than usually" Iceland asked, placing his hand on the Finnish's forehead. Finland nodded abruptly and moved away from the Icelandic's hand. "Yeah, just fine. Couldn't have been better" he lied. He needed some time alone. To think of this and what he could do. "Just need some time by myself" he spoke softly now. Denmark understood and gave him permission to go upstairs. To which Finland complied happily.


Word count: 747 words

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