Extra 3

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This has no exact relation to the main story.


"Hey, Belphie!"Called out a blond-haired demon known as Sabro Sabnock. Behind him were three individuals who waved and greeted the dark blue-haired man who was massaging his forehead to relieve the pain of his headache.

"Ya alright?"Jazz asked. As Leid and Allocer standing beside him also voiced out their concerns.

" I just have this headache that keeps coming back" Belphie answered.

These past few days, Belphie had been having dreams- no more like memories of his time back in Devildom replaying in his mind whenever he falls asleep.

Not that he minded this since he quite liked reminiscing about those fun times...mostly fun times. But what he didn't like was that he hadn't gotten a wink of sleep for two days ever since these dreams started.

This resulted in a hammering headache that won't go away which annoyed him greatly.

"You should rest that Belphie-kun"Garp, who just arrived along with Agares and was listening to their conversation, said.

"Yeah after this meeting I'm going to sleep for a couple of hundred years" Belphie started making the others laugh and chuckle.

"Oh boy~ Looks like everyone is having fun without us" Elizabetta commented as she walks into the room with Clara, Kerori, and Caim beside her.

"No fair! I wanna have fun too!" The ever-enthusiastic Clara exclaimed bouncing in her place.

"And I want to know why the three greats asked for a meeting even though they were the ones who'd usually avoid one," The ice queen said as she crosses her arms.

"Aw come on Kerori-chan. For Beliard-sama, Sullivan-sama, and Lady Levi to call for us means something big is happening right?" Leid stated even though it was obvious his attention was divided from the conversation and beating the boss battle of the game he held in his hands.

"Yeah. If it's for the greater good of the netherworld I'm sure Mar-san can cover for Kuromu-chan being absent"Jazz stated.

All of the misfits now know about Kerori's secret life as akudol and least to say they were shocked. Well some of them (Purson, Allover, and Belphie) already had their suspicion. But the shock of discovering Kerori's secret was soon replaced with even more shock after it was revealed that Leid and Iruma were Lindy and Irumi all along.

But after a few shouts, yelling, demands of autographs, pictures, and teasing. This band of misfits had never been closer than ever.

That is until the time when Iruma revealed himself and Belphie as humans.

Boy, that was chaos.

And speak of the devil and he shall come.

The future demon king along with his trustworthy spear and the head of the demon police came through the doors and greeted them.

"Iruma-chi!" Clara exclaimed as she pounced on Iruma and hugged him tightly as if it had been ten years since they've seen each other which was over-exaggeration since they've seen each other yesterday and the day before that.

"Stupid Valac! Get off Iruma-same! You can't just hug the future demon king all of a sudden! Have some decency!" The ever so loyal Asmodeus tried to rip Clara off of Iruma who was smiling throughout the whole ordeal since he was used to it.

"Hi everyone.Hope you've all been doing well" Iruma greeted as the kind and generous soul he is.

"Yeah, we're fine. Some conflict between family and a few tremors here and there but it's nothing" Jazz answered as he fiddles with coins between his fingers. He had grown past the 'stage of humiliation' but his brother still finds a way to annoy him but it was nothing he can't handle after all

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