Chapter 7

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It was nice to actually have a dream for once, without Derp haunting me. It's weird to think that my gifts have been, I don't know, taken I guess. A great mother, scared away. Beautiful eyes, hidden away. A guardian angel, gone corrupt. I don't want to lose my gift of friendship as well, so I need to do this, cast Derp out. I remember long ago, before my eyes were opened, a voice in my head helping me through blindness. It would tell me how thinks looked in the world, how to function properly, who was around me, and anything else I needed to know. I was so thankful for that voice, that guardian angel. It told me not to take the eye opening surgery,  saying that when my eyes open, his eyes would close, but I ignored it. I was greedy, wanting to see the world for myself intsead of listening. All he ever wanted to do was help me, but being the fool I was, I ignored him. Now, I am making that same mistake again, opening my eyes wider, shutting his eyes tighter. He was angry that I would betray him after all he had done for me, so, blinded by rage (quite literally), he attacked what I held most dear, my mother. 

The more I opened my eyes, the more blind he would become. Blind to fear, blind to love, blind to forgiveness, blind to happiness, blind to trust, only seeing anger, blinded by rage. The thing is, my eyes would be open. Open to regret, open to fear, open to lies, seeing more things I'd done wrong, with nothing I could do to change them. I would see more pain and misery in the world. Now, I could finally see, this is all my fault. I ignored him, I betrayed him, I took all of my gifts away from myself, I corrupted him, and worst of all, I can't block anything out. I can't ingore the regret. It will haunt me forever, and there's nothing I can do to stop the thing I created. 

What have I done...


I woke up by being shaken by Seto. There was an annoying pain in the back of my head, slightly worse than before, but still nothing much. "They're coming!" He yelled in a hushed tone. "You screamed really loud!" The sound of running footsteps could be heard, coming from upstairs. An occational "What's going on?!" and "Is everyone okay?!" or a "Is anyone hurt?!" could be heard. I bolted up an leaped out on bed. Their footsteps were getting louder. Seto and I acted casual as our friends burst into the room, a look of worry spread across their faces. "What happened?" Adam asked, panting. He must not get much excersize.

"Nothing. Seto just scared me, and I stubbed my toe." I lied. Adam looked disappointed.

"That's it?" Questioned Ty. "It sounded more like a scream of agony, and your head is bleeding a little. Seriously, what happened?"

I was scared, I had forgotten about digging into my head. Of course Ty had to be suspisious. Normaly Derp would be mocking me by now, but he was silent. I smiled to myself. 'I'm finally free of him!'

"Um, Ian, why are you smiling?" Asked a confused Quentin, as a late Jason tripped on the stairs and fell onto him. 'Perfect!' 

"I was smiling because I saw Jason coming, and I knew what would happen next. He would trip and fall, which is the same thing I did to hurt my head,making me scream. The whole Seto scaring me and me stubbing my toe thing was just to keep you dudes from worrying. We're fine." I fibbed, quite brilliantly if I may say so myself. The disappointed and confused men left the room, and returned back upstairs with Ty in the back, closing the door behind him while looking the most confused out of all of them, and also rather suspisious. As soon as I was sure they were all back upstairs, I looked over at Seto, who seemed to be studying me. 

"You are an amazing lier!" He whispered. "You showed absolutly no signs of dishonesty what-so-ever! How often do you practice?" 

"Whenever someone askes me, well, anything Derp related, which is surprisingly often really." I responded, flattered that someone finally relised my talent. "The bad thing is that whenever I tr to convince someone of the truth, my face somehow contorts into lieing form, and everyone thinks I'm trying to trick them!"

Seto just seemed to ignore me."So, did the spell work?" He asked excitedly, eager to see if his spell worked. 

"Well, I haven't heard him say a word yet, but I still don't want to take my glasses off yet, just in case."

"Perfect!" Exclaimed an excited Seto. "Okay, first favor, teach me how to lie."

I was surprised, but I guess someone with a secret such as his needs to know how to hide it. "Okay dude, let's do this."

Meanwhile, upstairs

(Ty's POV)

'What's up with Ian and Seto? They both seem so secretive. I need to talk to Adam about it soon.' I thought while chilling on the couch, sipping on my soda, watching Jerome and Mitch quarrel over Betty, their diamond axe a fan gave them at Minecon last year. Adam and Jason seemed busy mocking Quentin about being a fish, and Sub was focusing hard on an animation. Everyone was distracted, so no one noticed me slip out of the room and towards the basement. The curiosity was too much to handle, I needed know what was up. I crept silently down the steps, cringing whenever they creaked. I soon reached the door and placed my ear onto it, listening in. What I heard made me freeze on the spot. 'No, they can't... no way!'

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