Chapter 12

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Hey guys & gals...hope you're liking it!! Her decisions are complicated lol here we go....

My information... 



•Instagram Name; Amanda_Styles69 

•Kik Name; Amanda_Styles69 


~Chapter 12

I went straight to bed after Louis left last night, it was 8:30, yet I still woke up feeling like I hadn't slept at all. It was only Tuesday so I had almost a full week to go. 

It was 7:13 and I was running late. I usually leave at 7:45 with Nathan. 

I texted him to let him know I was gonna be late.

To: Nathan 

From: Amanda  

Hey, I just woke up. I'm running late sorry! See you at school babe.

I got up and started to brush my hair with almost an instant reply.

To: Amanda 

From: Nathan 

I can wait for you?

To: Nathan  

From: Amanda 

No I wouldn't wanna make you late. But I'll see you there!

I said setting my phone down, I didn't have time for texting I had to get ready. 

I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I got undressed and jumped in quickly, trying to not be so late. 

When I got out of the shower it was 7:33. I plugged in the blow dryer and started to blow dry my hair and straighten it. I picked out a green t shirt and some blue jeans, not too fancy for an average day. I pulled on my sneakers and grabbed my bags to pack up my school supplies. By the time I was done with that it was 8:12. I was supposed to be there at 7:55, and I still had to eat breakfast. We were out of milk and there wasn't time to make anything, so I grabbed an orange and walked out the door. I took a glance towards Harry's, expecting him to try and talk to me but he didn't. I thought about how I treated him so badly. Did he really deserve that after everything we went through? I pulled out my phone and started to type..

To: Harry 

Harry, I'm really sorry for being so ignorant last night. It's just been rough, you know ? Well, I've been thinking and maybe I should give you a chance to talk.  

Sincerely, Amanda .xx

I threw my phone in my book bag and kept walking.


"I can come over after practice?" Nathan said. Today boys basketball started.  

"Nathan it'll be almost 9. It's fine, just have run at practice." I said. 

"Okay ill text you! Bye!" He said kissing me on the cheek and running off. I started my second walk alone wasn't something I was used to, but at least I had time to think.

When I got home Harry was sitting outside on his steps. When I got closer he got up and approached me. 

"Did you get my text?" He asked. 

"No? But I guess you got mine." 

"I said I'd wait for you when you got home so we could talk." 

"Well, Harry, here's your chance. I won't push you away this time, I'm sick of that." I said.  

We sat down on the steps of my house and Harry began to say what was on his mind. 

"Do you actually hate me?" He asked. 

"Of course not." I said chuckling a little. 

"Good!" He said laughing too. "Well, I thought that would start me off. There's just so much to say." 

I nodded my head, thinking of every time I saw him outside. Speechless encounters. 

"Umm..." He said struggling. "Remember when you first ran into me? That first day we'd seen each other in almost 2 years. When I saw you, I thought of the biggest mistake I ever made. Amanda I know I hurt you, but I was hurt too. When you pushed me away I felt my world tumble down. I felt hope for having another chance with you, even when you shut the door in my face. I thought we were finally gonna hit it off again until I saw you with that new guy." 

"I thought the same thing.." I mumbled to myself. 

"What did you just say?" He asked. 


"I heard you loud and clear." He said looking straight into my eyes. 

I sighed, "then you know the truth." 

"You were going to take me back?!" He questioned. We sat in silence as he registered it in his mind. "What made you change your mind?" 

"Someone kissed me." 

"Nathan." He said shaking his head. "How do you feel about me?" 

"I've said too much already." I said biting my lip. "I can't hurt Nathan." 

"Wanna know who else you can't hurt?" He asked. "Yourself."  

We fell into complete silence. 

"I'll give you some time to think." He said getting up and leaving me there by myself, the girl who just stopped lying to herself...

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