Like son, like mother

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Natasha's Pov

I let the phone in my pocket. The kid won't answer. Maybe he went to class? Dead battery? I can believe I'm lying myself and I'm bad at it. I should be the best lier! I was trained to lie, so why can i lie myself?..... Why do i always do this? I put the jet on the autopilot ang go to the bathroom. I feel the curious glances of my teammates. I shut the door and slid down on the floor. I started crying. Why? I'm the fucking Black Widow? Did i cracked? For a kid? A kid who was nice with me, talked with me, saved me and was completely adorable calling me, a stranger, mom. And also he understood how is to lose your parents and he just asked me a simple honest, question that couldn't be used against me..... and what did i do? Pushed him away! Like i always do with everyone! Matt,Bruce, Clint, Pepper and others.I am destined to be alone.... because i deserve to be alone because i am a monster who killed in cold blood and... and... and.... now is crying on the bathroom floor. That kid didn't deserved to cry because of me. Because of a murderer. I didn't deserved his tears, his cuteness, his time, the title mom he gave me! I lied him and he stills calls me mom! He doesn't even know my name! I punch the wall. I'm the worst. I just broke a cinnamon roll heart. Of course he will not answer me.
"Tasha, what's wrong?" i hear Clint's voice and i jump in surprise,knife in hand. He rises his hand and i put my knife back in my pocket.
"It took a while for you to come back... an i decided to check on you..... you didn't lock the door. Are you alright?"
No, no, noooo! Not that sad puppy eyes! I don't want his pity!
"I said I'm fine!" i almost growled. "You don't look fine! Fine people don't cry in the bathroom!"
"I said I'm fine!" i was angry or sad... or i don't know.. a mix?i took him by his shirt, pushed him agains the wall, my knife at his neck.
"I'm fine! Don't make me kill you!" He activated the killer mode. What was i doing? I just attacked my best friend. My best friend who just wanted to check on me if i was fine. And what did i do? Attacked him! I hate myself sometimes! Why i am like that?Im the worst! I'm a monster! Suddenly, I feel Clint's arms around me. He was hugging me? After i attacked him? What i did to deserve a friend good like him?
"I don't think I'm fine.I'm sorry. " i whisper.
"Can you go in the mission?"
"Always." I smiled. Oh, Clint, you are a good friend. How did you made my smile?
I get out of the bathroom and Clint wanted to stop me. Why? Ooooo, because i looked like a mess and the team shouldn't see me like this. Good job, Clint, but too late.
"Did the Black Widow's eyes leaked?" Tony jokes. I don't have the patience for his jokes. I throw my knife at his head, cutting his hair. He needed a new haircut anyway. Then i looked at the floor and laughed. I never think i laughed so loud.
"Looks like you leaked on the floor, Tony." I have tears in my eyes. I made Tony pee his pants. This day started to become better. Clint started laughing too and I could see that Steve was struggling to not laugh with us.
"I thought you would kill me!"Tony shouted.
Jarvis announced that we were close to the Hydra base. I need some fresh air . I took one parachute and jump out of the jet.
" Romanoff! "I heard Steve siad. I chuckle. I made the Captain mad. Maybe I'm tired. I broke arms, and noses and legs of the Hydra's soldiers, trying to forget about Peter. I must admit, i broke the soldiers a little more than necessary.
" Natasha, watch out! "Clint shouts, but is to late, a soldier stabbed me in the shoulder. So, i stab him in the eye. Die, idiot.
Im glad the mission ended quickly. My arm hurt. At the jet, Clint takes care of my wound.I felt bad for threatening him. Why does he still care about me? He is wrapping my shoulder with a bandage, while i stay on the chair.
"You are lucky you didn't lose much blood."
"I'm lucky to have a friend like you. I'm sorry. I don't know what was wrong with me today." my neck still hurt.
"Maybe you need a vacation. You didn't visited the farm ᶠᵒʳ ᵃ ˡᵒⁿᵍ ᵗᶦᵐᵉ ᵃⁿᵈ.... "

I woke up in my bed. How did i get here? The last thing I remember is Clint taking care of my wound. Oh, no! I couldn't have passed out because i didn't lose that much blood, so i must have fallen asleep. So humiliating! If i got here..... someone must have carried me.I will die from embarrassment! I look at my phone. 7pm. The kid didn't texted yet. Maybe he is at home doing homework. Yes, he is busy and not upset on me. That was the worst lie i ever heard in my entire life. I got up from the bed. I have to apologize to Tony. I took Tony's hoodie from my wardrobe. He will be happy to have it back. I go down stairs were the team was watching a movie on the sofa. I trow the hoodie on his head.
"Sorry for today." i say and sit on the armchair.
"You had it. All this time? Why?"
" It could be worse. I have a lot of your stuffs. I also have Steve's socks and Clint's jacket."
"What? " both Steve and Clint say.
"What movie is it?"
"Titanic." Pepper answers and gives me a popcorn bowl.
The movie becomes boring. Impossible love story and poor... blah... blah... blahlike Romeo and Juliet on water. I don't understand what Pepper likes about this movie. I look on my phone. Its already 9pm. The kid ended his homework for sure.He doesn't want to talk with me. Could i blame him.Maybe is my time to text. It's easy. Just start. Open a little Natalia! Fuck, this is hard. What should I say. Hello, im the person who made you cry. Maybe he will call the real police. What should I do? Suddenly a water bottle hits me.
"What was that for Clint?"
"I called your name 10 times.Does that strand of hair from your mouth taste good?"
Just then i realized that i was chewing my hair.
"What is bothering you?"
"My inability to open to someone." i say and go to my room. The movie ended anyway. I go to my balcony and watch the city. New York was always beautiful at night. All the lights....
I take a deep breath. 10pm.I open the message app.

Hey, kid!
How was school?

Guess what?
I also got stabbed.
But not accidentally. Your the only one who is a master at that.

Genius :
You texted me!

Yes. What can i say? Like son, like mother.

Genius :
Son!So you say that...


("Mom" changed "Genius" to "Son")

It's official!

Mom :
If you also want. I'm sorry for... the school discussion.

Son :
Don't worry, mom!
You are not ready.
I understand.
I know it's hard to lose your parents. I wanted to know if I'm the only one who ask himself how they looked like and.... and make fake scenarios about them, like why they never came back.....


Son :
I thought we were friends!Even you think it's a stupid idea. (-̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷄ꞈ-̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷅ )

No, no, no! Peter, don't cry! I was laughing about thr fact that we are so similar....

Son :

I imagined my mom had my hair color and my eyes are exactly like my Father's.
When i was little, i didn't belived the director of the orphanage. She was an evil old lady. I would be surprised if she didn't eat souls. I imagined that my parents were spies and they had to put me for adoption to be safe. Or that i was a princess and my royal family was killed during a war..... when i grew up i imagined my parents were soldiers who gave their life for the country.... or that my mother was a ballerina and my father a soldier and they loved so much, but my dad died in war and my mother couldn't look at me because i looked just like him, so she gave me at a orphanage
+456 stories
Im creative;)

Son :
Glad I'm not the only one.

Obviously, Your my son.
But you knew how your parents died? Why the stories?

Son :
I knew. But I was little. I don't remember much about them. I love science, so i imagined my parents were scientists and they invented something important that they had to ran away so it won't get in the wrong hands. But the bad guys exploded their plane...
I start to forget how they looked like. Did my mom had brown or blue eyes? Or that was my father.And I'm afraid there would be a day when I'm don't remember anymore.

That will never happen. Don't loved oneslive in our hearts and look after us or something?

Son :
😂You are good at consolation.

I know....
I'm working on my skills
Well, i don't know id does make you feel better......

Son :

If you want to know your mother is a redhead with green eyes and her name is Natasha .

Son :
And your son has brown hair and brown eyes. And bad luck....

Well i have good luck.. because I meet you

Son :
( ^◡^)っ❤

Son, its 12pm! Go to Sleep! Sweet dreams! ♥️


I panicked when i saw how late it was. Peter has school tomorrow. I can believe i opened so much to him. Even Clint doesn't know about my parents fake scenarios. I even gave him my real name and a psychical description. But it's weird that i don't feel bad about it.And i even called him son. It's something completely out of my character and yet, it feels right. Maybe I'm tired. I put my phone on the nightstand and close my eyes.

The wrong number that saved meOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora