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It's been 19 years. The time has just seemed to fly by. It felt like one day i was walking out of the battle and the next day i was walking down the isle with Draco and then only a few years later i was where i am now... walking through the wall to platform 9 3/4.

Coming out on the other side of the wall, i turn to Scorpius.

"Are you sure that you have go your wand?" i ask as i see him check his pockets

"Yes, Mum, you've asked me that three times already" He says and i sigh as i look at his trunk and his pet eagle owl.

"And God knows how you managed to get it so quickly, but don't use your Patronus fox during lessons" I say and he nods

"I promise i won't use Hermes until the weekend" He says and i smile as i bend down and i hug him.

"I'll miss you" I say

"And don't worry, you'll be in Slytherin" Draco says as he stands behind me

"But if you're not that's fine, and remember what i said was on the way" I say as i continue hugging him

"My little si-"

"You mustn't tell your Dad, ok?" I say as i smile "The sorting hat will take your decision into consideration, so choose wisely" I say as i pull back "Now go, the train is about to go with out you" I say as he nods and runs off just as the train pulls out of the station.

I see him wave out the window and Draco and i wave back as he goes.

"Do you think our little Malfoy will be ok?" I ask

"He's got your attitude, so i would think so" Draco say and i turn around and i smack his arm

"Hey!" He says as he smiles

"You deserve it for saying that your pregnant wife has attitude problems" I say and i see his face change.

He holds me at arms length

"You're pregnant?!" He practically shouts as some of the parents look at us and i nod. "This is amazing!" He says as he hugs me and i laugh.

"Congratulations you two" I hear someone say and i feel Draco tense as he pulls back, but keeps a protective arm around me.

"Thank you" I say as i look at the blonde hair that's coming into view.

"What are you doing here, Dad?" Draco asks him

"I've come to see little Scorpius off... and see that you are influencing him to pick the right house" He says

"Scorpius will be nothing like you Dad, go home" Draco says as his Dad smiles and leaves.

"Do you have a bad feeling?" I ask Draco as we both watch his Father go.

"Unfortunately, yes" He says as he places his hand over my stomach. "Suddenly, i'm glad that our son is at Hogwarts"


(Not my art work)

Bellatrix Lestrange's Daughter ✔️||Draco Malfoy Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now