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"So?" I say as i watch my Mother walk into our house, late the next night "How did it go?" I ask her and she looks at me and sighs "You didn't kill him, did you?"

She shakes her head and sits down in her armchair "Lord Voldemort's not happy to say the least" Mum says.

I watch as she stares into the fire in the fireplace.

"Was i right?" I ask after a minute and Mum looks at me and then she looks back into the fire.

"Yes... You were." She says and i smile

"Well, i was raised by the best, Mother" I say

"I just hope you know what you've gotten yourself into El" She says as she kicks her shoes off.

"Of cause i do, do you think that i took the decision lightly to get the dark mark?" I ask her, slightly annoyed

"Of cause not" Mum says "I know what us Lestrange women are like, and i'm not saying that you are not capable of completing the tasks that he gives you. I was only asking" Mother says

"I know" I say as i sit closer to the fire and i feel the warmth of the flames hit my face "And i'm ready"


"El! El! Wake up!" I hear my Mother say as she shakes me awake and i sit up in my bed, groggily

"What?" I ask as i rub my eyes

"We've got to go, he has called for us" Mum says and i jump out of bed as she exits the room and i put a random outfit (It's above, and yes it's on a sim)


After Mother Apparated us to where Voldemort is, we all sit around the giant table again.

I'm sitting next to my Mother.

"There has been an update on the plan" Voldemort says as he looks at each of us "Harry Potter still lives" He informs the people who don't know already "I have decided to carry on our plan by involving the younger amongst us"

I watch as everyone turns to look at me and i look across the table, seeing Draco and i looking at each other.

"Draco, your time has come to become more involved in our death eater ways, i would like you to attend Hogwarts as normal, because i need someone to get us into the castle." I watch as Voldemort turns his focus to me "Gabriella, you have a more active part to play... i need you to help the Snatchers capture Harry Potter." He says

"Yes, my Lord" I say as i watch a group of people walk into the room

"They know what they have to do, they will tell you when you leave with them, today" He says and he exits the room

I turn to my Mother.

"I have to go" I say

"Be safe and remember-"

"-Toujours Pu, I know" I say as i walk out of the room with the group of people and i begin my first mission as a death eater.

Bellatrix Lestrange's Daughter ✔️||Draco Malfoy Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now