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Running off, Draco, Blaise and i try to find a place to stay until the battle dies down.

"I see what you mean by there are things that i don't know now!" Blaise shouts.

I smirk as we turn corner and i hide behind Draco as he puts his arm out to stop us as he shoots at a rouge death eater.

We carry on running until i hear something.

"Wait" I slow down as i start to feel dizzy.

I feel a stabbing pain in my chest and then all i hear is white noise blasting in my ears.

I howl out in pain as i feel arms go around me.

"Gabby?!" I hear worried voices shouting

Suddenly, i hear the ghost of Voldemort voice and then i think that i pass out, because everything goes dark.


Draco's pov:

Running down the corridor, i stop the others as i shoot a rouge death eater dead and we continue running.

"I see what you mean by there are things that i don't know now" Blaise shouts and i smile, glancing at Bri besides me.

Suddenly, she slows down and i come to halt next to her.

"Draco?" Blaise asks me and i lift my hand up to silence him as she says for us to wait.

Suddenly, its like a switch and i barely manage to catch her in time as she crumples to the floor, her face goes extremely, death white, pale.

"Gabby?! Gabby?!" I shout but she just closes her eyes and blacks out in my arms.

"What are we going to do?!" Balise asks me and then i hear him, Lord Voldemort.

"Every drop of magical blood spilt is a terrible waste, i demand that my forces retreat and in there absence dispose of your dead with dignity. Harry Potter i now speak directly to you, on this night you have allowed your friends to die for you instead of facing my yourself, there is no greater dishonour."

My hands tighten around Gabby shoulders as i kneel with her.

"Join me in the forbidden forest and confront your fate, if you do not do this, i will kill every last man women and child who tries to conceal you from me" I sigh as his voice leaves my head.

Its quite for a moment before Blaise crouches down next to me and Gabby

"What do we do now?" He asks and i glance at her

"The only thing that we can do..."


After manging to lift Bri up bridal style, Blaise and i walk to the doors of the grand hall.

I swallow, before i tilt my head to tell him to open them.

I watch as heads turn in our direction, many with disgust and anger.

Suddenly, i feel a hand on my back and i glance to look at, who i recognise to be, Mrs Weasley.

"Oh, my dear, hand her over, we will clean her wounds" She says and i reluctantly do so as i look at her being placed on a stretcher and i allow myself to let a tear escape.

This is my fault, i should have known that her Mother would have done something like this, its clear that Bellatrix used Voldemort's message to mess with her brain.

I glance to my left and i see the Weasleys huddling around and as i step forward i notice one of the twins dead.

I take another step forward and Ron looks up at me.

"Stay away from us, Malfoy! You did this! You killed my bother!" Suddenly, Hermione and Harry mange to grab one of his arms each.

"If you've come to rub it in our faces, i suggest that you leave" Hermione tells me.

I stay silent and i watch as they all look at me, clearly confused that i haven't spat out a retort at them yet.

I let out a shaky breath before i speak

"I'm sorry for your loss, i really am" I say "If i had known that trusting my Father would have led to this... i would have left long ago" I say

I hear some of them gasp and i see Hermione, Harry and Ron just looking confused.

I can't take it anymore, i turn away as i will myself not to cry as i see her.

I walk to the back corner of the hall and i kneel next to her laid on the floor.

"I'm sorry, i'm so so sorry, Gabriella, i shouldn't have teased you when we were kids, i should have protected you from your Mother long ago" I say as i lean my head onto her stomach as i cry.

After a minute i feel a different hand being placed on my back and i tense.

I see Hermione, Ron, Luna, Neville and some of the Weasleys standing behind me as they realise what's happened.

I clear my throat as i stand up.

"I hope that you all realise that i don't have a choice" I say and they all nod and Luna speaks

"She's not dead you know"

I nod "I know, but i didn't protect her from what's done this to her" I say and i walk out of the hall.

Bellatrix Lestrange's Daughter ✔️||Draco Malfoy Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now