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"Yes, Mother" I say as i walk into the room and i stand still.

I look to one side of the room and i see Hermione getting a wand to her throat and i look to the other to see Harry and Ron with their wands in the air.

"Drop your wands" Mum says and the boys slowly let go of them "And where did you go?!" She shouts at me and i flinch

"I agreed to chasing and murder" I say "Not torture!"

She glares at me "We will talk about this later!" She says "Draco, pick their wands up now!" She shouts and i look behind me to see Draco walking in

He looks at me once before walking into the room fully and grabbing their wands from the floor.

"Call him!" She says to me and i look around, before i slowly go to lift up my sleeve.

Suddenly, we all hear a squeaking sound and we look up to see a house elf loosening the screws of the chandelier above my Mothers head.

She shouts as she lets go of Hermione and she rushes away.

"How dare you try to kill a witch!" She says as she looks at him

"Dobby didn't mean to kill just seriously harm" He says and i smile, but soon hide it.

I watch as he clicks his fingers and Draco's Mothers wand flies out of her hand and into Dobbys.

"How dare you take a witches wand! You will obey your masters!" My Mother shouts at him

"Dobby has no masters, Dobby is a free elf!" He says as they all avapporate and i watch as Mum throws a dagger at them and it dissaparates with them.

I stand, catching my breath and my Mother kicks the ground, angrily.

I sigh and then her anger turns towards me

"You!" She shouts as she walks over to me, but instead of backing up, i stay still.

"What do you call that?" She asks motioning to the doors that i sat outside with Draco 

" I call it, disgust, Mother" I tell her

"What did you just say to me?!" She asks me

"I said i call it my disgust to seeing you torture an innocent girl!"

"An innocent gi- SHE WAS NOT INOCENT, SHE STOLE FROM ME!" She shouts directly in my face

"Mum, don't you know by now, that the sword appears to anyone who needs it?" I ask "And besides, you probably already have the sword still in your bank, just a fake version" I tell her

"YOU LITTLE- YOU KNEW THE WHOLE TIME AND YOU LET ME DO THAT TO HER SO THAT HARRY POTTER WOULD FIND A WAY OUT!" She says and this time her hand connects with my face and i look to the left for a moment, before looking back at her as I see Draco flinch.

"I only just figured it out!" I shout back, tasting metal in my mouth and i turn around to exit the building, before i turn back to her "I wouldn't let Dad see you doing that, you know what he will do" I tell her and she looks taken back, almost frightened

Bellatrix Lestrange's Daughter ✔️||Draco Malfoy Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now