Chapter 12 (FINAL)

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(Soon, Jace finally found the map he was looking for, and he, Chloe and the oc's were outside)

Sheriff Jace: I found my map. Zion hid it and I thought Travis took it.

Generous: Travis wasn't lying when he said that he didn't steal anything.

Sheriff Jace: After all, the "gold prospector code" forbids to steal from a partner.

Thunder: So, Zion did all that, because he was jealous of you and Chloe?

Chloe: Yeah! He believed that if he got Jace's reputation ruined, I would stop loving him.

Sheriff Jace: And I would have felt more heartbroken to ask you to marry me.

Twistar: All's well that ends well. Now me and my friends have to return back to Toontown.

Chloe: Watch out for the sandstorm!

Catherine: That would be nothing to the courageous Travis Bonedole when we tell him our adventures.

Sheriff Jace: Wait a minute, Generous! I think we could make a deal with Travis...

Thunder: What kind of a deal, Jace?

(And so, after a while, Golden Valley became an official ghost town for the tourists)

Travis Bonedole: Well, not exactly what I had in mind, but okay.

Twistar: I gotta admit, better a real ghost town than a fake one.

Travis Bonedole: Thanks to Mr. Martinez, all that needed to be done was a bypass to the highway, for Golden Valley to become the most sought-after tourist destination!

Generous: It's pretty logical. In here the dead people and the ghosts are real.

(A dead guy's arm falls off and one of the tourists' kid gets scared)

Tourist kid: Look mum! That guy's arm fell off!

Tourist kid's mum: It's just a special effect, sweetie.

Thunder: (Whispers to Generous) Yeah, but it's not necessary for the tourists to know that.

Travis Bonedole: I'm so happy that I did that good deed.

Evelyn: And in exchange you only asked for Jace's gold mine...

Travis Bonedole: He gave it to me right away!

Thunder: Yeah, a dead person doesn't need money.

Travis Bonedole: What do you mean, Mr. Mcrush?

Thunder: Nothing! Just thinking...

(After another while, Generous, Sun Winter, Thunder and Maddie were at Toontown's cinema)

Maddie: Thank you Thunder, for accompany me and our friends to see the new movie.

Thunder: (Laughs nervously) I guess so...

(Generous, Sun, Maddie and Thunder get inside)

Sun Winter: I heard that in this movie, the producer put the subtitles backwards.

Generous: (Laughs awkwardly) He sure loves his audience... I guess.

Thunder: I just hope I don't fall asl- (Thunder screamed when he noticed Jace and Chloe were also here) What are you guys doing here?

Sheriff Jace: We're on our honeymoon!

Chloe: (To Generous) You were right, Generous! Toontown is a wonderful town!

Thunder: (Whispers to Jace) Why are you here to see that awful movie with the backward subtitles?

Sheriff Jace: If you seen the movie "How the west was won" four hundred times, every movie is a masterpiece for you.

(Generous and Thunder kept going with Sun and Maddie)

Maddie: Um, why didn't we take these seats?

Thunder: Oh, um.... I think they were taken.

(Generous, Sun, Thunder and Maddie find some seats and seat down for the movie)

Generous: (Whispers to Thunder) Hey, Thunder.

Thunder: Yes, GC?

Generous: I wonder what happened with Zion besides from being locked up.

(Meanwhile, at Golden Valley, Zion is with a human director, and he is wearing a shock collar)

Human director: Scream louder so I can hear you!

Mr. Bachmann/Zion: Booooo!

Human director: You're the worst actor ever existed! My mother-in-law is a more believable ghost than you!

(As he was talking Zion glared at him until the shock collar shock him)

Mr. Bachmann/Zion: (Whispers to himself) Curse this stupid collar that mixed girl created! (Talks to his human boss) To be honest Mr. director, I'm not really an actor.

Human director: Exactly! You're nothing but talentless!!! You don't deserve a dime!!! If you don't start scaring the tourists, I see you cleaning armors!!!!!

Mr. Bachmann/Zion: Alright! I'll give it a try....

(A tourist woman was passing with her child and Zion proceeds to scare the child)

Mr. Bachmann/Zion: Booo!

Child: Mum, that ghost smells like molasses!

Tourist mum: Must be some special effect, keep walking. (She and her child walked away)

Mr. Bachmann/Zion: Ugh, darn it.....

The end

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