Chapter 3

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(The oc's were now inside the saloon with the mayor and a few other dead people)

Mr. Bachmann: Dear dead people of Golden Valley, thank you that you all came here to this meeting that was organized at the last moment!

Dead bird guy: No problem, mayor!

Skeleton guy: Finally, something happens in this graveyard.

Mr. Bachmann: These strangers here, visited our town. I think they have a thing or two to say.

Dead bird guy: Hm, right! I believe it's something that we're all interested.

Skeleton guy: Yeah, but hurry up!!!!

Dead bird guy: What do you have to do that is so important? Reattach your jaw?

Skeleton guy: How did you know?

Generous: Listen everyone, me and my friends are here for an important mission that includes your town. We are here because people said rumors that they've seen ghosts in here, so we're sent here to explore this town and prove the existence of ghosts.

Sheriff Jace: What nonsense are you murmuring? And where do you exactly come from?

Generous: That's an interesting question. Me and my friends are coming from different places but there are two towns we've been visiting for the past years. They're called Muppetville and Toontown. In Muppetville it's where Muppets live and in Toontown it's where toons live. They're both great places, you really should come visit it if you want to.

Skeleton guy: Sounds interesting.

Dead bird guy: Wait until they hunt us down with pitchforks and torches.

Generous: (Nervously) They won't really do that....

Mr. Bachmann: Like I said before, we dead people cannot leave our town... but there can be an exception!

Sheriff Jace: I can't believe you want us to go there and scare a bunch of living people! Golden Valley is our town!

Mr. Bachmann: No one is forcing you to follow us! In fact, if you stay here it'll be much better.

Skeleton guy: After all, in Golden Valley we see the same skeletons...

Dead bird guy: ...the same skulls...

Dead porcupine toon: ...and the same movies! (Chuckles)

Twistar: Hold on, your cinema is still working?

Mr. Bachmann: Yeah, but it doesn't have many movies.


Guy in cinema: (Offscreen) ENOUGH!!!! WE CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE FROM THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!

Guy in cinema 2: (Offscreen) I saw it like four thousand sixty hundred seven times!!!!!!!!!!!

(End of Flashback)

Mr. Bachmann: When I said that Golden Valley is a forgotten ghost town, I wasn't joking.

Generous: I understand!

Mr. Bachmann: Well, princess. Your suggestion going to the town is good but we still haven't decided about it yet.

Sheriff Jace: I say we don't trust those strangers! Have you forgotten what happened ever since he came? He claimed himself to be a paranormal expert! You probably heard his name that not only ruined me, but also ruined the future of the whole town? The awful Travis Bonedole!

(The oc's gasp when they hear this)

Sheriff Jace: It seems that you and your friends got interested! Wanna hear the story?

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