Chapter 8

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(Soon, the oc's went to the town hall and went inside the theatre room and found the mayor's crew preparing it)

Generous: Hey guys.

April: Oh, hey strangers. What brings you here?

Quint: Let me guess, you wanted to take a look at the show before you actually see it?

Generous: Not only that, but I wanted to see how you guys doing.

Catherine: (Sees how dusty the place is) Gee, looks like you guys could use some help here.

Tia: Meh, we don't need help. We can handle it ourselves. (A spider gets in her face, and she screams and falls down)

Rose: Don't be ridiculous darling, let us help you at least. (Dusts a corner with her tail)

Chessy's voice: You better listen to them.

Brent: It is Chessy again?

Chessy: (Appears) Again. Hey, how's it going? Ready for the show?

Gabe: Yeah.

Silver: You know, maybe Chessy could help around.

Bong: Don't worry, we won't say a word to the mayor.

(The undead creatures look around to make sure he isn't here)

Xavion: Well, since he isn't here.

Jason: Alright, (To Chessy) You see all this dust? You can spend the entire day dusting it before the show.

Chessy: Great, I'll help around with the musical number that I was not even invited. (Starts dusting around) Oh, how ironic.

Shawn: Just let us do our work.

Gabe: (Looks at Chessy and back at his gang, sad for the way they treat her)

Generous: (To Chessy) You know, I know a spell that can make this more fun.

Chessy: Like what.

Generous: (Approaches her and forms something like magic dust with her magic causing Chessy to fly)

Chessy: Whoa! What's happening?

Generous: Just relax and try to fly.

Chessy: You know..... I kinda like it.

(Chessy laughs and tries to flies around dusting everywhere and having fun. The undead creatures turned around and saw her and got worried expressions on their faces)

Brent: What's she doing? Why she's flying?

Yazmin: I got this. (Flies towards Chessy and brings her down) Sorry to interrupt your fun time but the mayor doesn't allow us that, especially in here.

Chessy: (Groans)

Gabe: Hey guys, do you think we've been, mean to Chessy?

Larrey: You know guys, Gabe's right.

Hannah: I don't know Gabe, the mayor told us not to trust her.

Jason: Hannah's right, he said Chessy's a liar.

Gabe: What if she's misunderstood?

Felix: Well....

Gabe: Maybe, we misjudged her that's all. I think she's trying to be our friend, but we were too harsh on her.

(The undead creatures started thinking about it not knowing if they have to believe Gabe or the mayor)

April: You know, maybe it won't hurt if we give her a second chance.

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