Chapter 10

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(After he dealt with the oc's, Zion came back to the Golden Valley citizens)

Mr. Bachmann/Zion: Hey everyone, sorry for being late but I had a few problems, but I fixed them right away.

Duchess Remington: (To Bonejags) Hey, have you seen the strangers anywhere?

Bonejags: No, I haven't. Why?

Duchess Remington: Well, they left after the musical number, and they still haven't returned! Do you think something bad happened to them?

Bonejags: Well, maybe. I say we go and look for them.

Duchess Remington: Oh, yes, we should. I started getting worried about them.

Bonejags: Let's go.

(They leave to find the oc's. Meanwhile, Chessy is still trying to break out of the cell as Zahir sat hopeless)

Zahir: (Sighs) It's no use kitty, I tried to escape too but it's no use....

Chessy: I have to get out of here. These strangers are in danger because of a murderer and It's my fault for not stopping him when I had the chance. I have to make things right! (Sighs) I have to....

(Suddenly, Duchess and Bonejags were heard shouting)

Duchess Remington: (Offscreen) Strangers!!!

Bonejags: (Offscreen) Strangers!!!!

Chessy: It's Duchess and Bonejags!!! Maybe they can get us out of here!!!

Zahir: You think?

Chessy: Sure, I do. HELP!!!!!!!!!!! Somebody, help us!!!!!!

Duchess Remington: Wait, that sounds like Chessy!

Bonejags: It comes from upstairs! Do you think something bad happened to her?

Duchess Remington: Let's find out!

(They both went upstairs and reached Zion's office, where Chessy"s screams were heard)

Bonejags: (Tries to open the door but it's locked) Darn it! It's closed.

Duchess Remington: I got this; you stay here. (Walks through the door and gets inside the room)

Chessy: Duchess! Over here.

Duchess Remington: (Sees Chessy) Chessy! What are you doing here?

Chessy: It's Mr. Bachmann he locked me up!

Duchess Remington: Mr. Bachmann? (Gasps) That wretched!

Chessy: Please, you have to get us out of here!

Duchess Remington: Right on!

Zahir: The key for the cell is over there! (Points to a hook that caries the key for the cell)

Duchess Remington: Thank you! (She grabs the key and successfully unlocks the lock in the cell freeing Chessy)

Chessy: Thank you, Duchess! (Gets out of the cell)

Duchess Remington: You're welcome. (Notices Zahir trying to escape) Oh no, you don't, Zion! (Prepares to close the cell)

Chessy: Wait! His name is not Zion, he's Zahir!

Duchess Remington: Are you sure? The mayor told us he's criminally insane and that he's not to be trusted!

Zahir: (Manges to rip out his straitjacket) I don't believe I'm the person the mayor says I am. (Shows some reddish-purple marks around his neck)

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