Chapter 11:

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I was panicky. I immediately dropped the note and raced out of the house, not even bothering with the car. I was faster than the damn piece of metal anyways.

I wasn't even sure where I was going, but I felt I needed to either go to Alleeah or hurry to find Cayden.

Finding Cayden won out, but I had no idea where he would be. Desperation hit me, but luck seemed to be on my side tonight. As I was racing away, I heard his voice, laughing and that stopped me. I turned to him, with her at a restaurant sitting at the tables outside.

It looked as though they were having a perfect date, the lights lit up their faces and they were laughing and smiling. But deep down, I could see Cayden's girlfriend on edge. She was waiting for me, I saw her eyes flicker around and her nose flare, smelling the air.

I flashed further away and waited, watching. I noticed she was young, she had just been turned.. She wasn't quite skilled because once in awhile she'd drop her guard and get lost in talking with Cayden.

I was starting to get frustrated and annoyed when finally my patience paid off. They left, giggling and drunk.. Well one of them.

However, I wasn't sure. Blondie had been turned, very recently perhaps she was drunk as well? I couldn't drop my guard though, just incase she wasn't drunk and was just acting. They left, walking.

Must've walked here too, they had to have a room close by.. But wait, what was she doing?

I looked harder and saw Blondie was seducing Cayden. His face was lit up and he practically drooled as she purred into his ear, leading him into the nearby forest. Cayden stumbled in and that was all it took for me to make up my mind, angry as all fuck, I followed silently.

As I got closer I heard what they were saying...

"If you come with me I'll show you that I'm sorry about fighting with you," Blondie hissed.

"How?" Cayden mumbled, drunk.

"How else? I'll make love to you," she faked a giggle.

"But you don't-" Cayden's words were cut off and I seen Blondie lift him my his throat.

That was it, I was done. I burst into the trees, my rage bubbling over and wretched Blondie away from Cayden, flinging her into a tree.

She cracked against the tree so hard, the thick pine shuddered under the force. I flashed up to Cayden.

"Are you okay?"

"Whaaaaaaaat?" He slurred out, completely trashed.

I shook my head, she had really fucked him up.

I glanced around and stopped when I seen she wasn't there. I whirled around and before I knew it she was there in front of me, slamming me back against another tree.

"Stop taking what isn't yours," she hissed.

I let out a snarl and felt my blood rage in my veins, it pumped dangerously underneath my skin until finally I snapped.

Everything that had happened over the past days- Jaymie, Alleeah, my snack, Cayden, dealing with Blondie, Cane telling me that the humans wanted to create a supernatural creature. I just could take it anymore...

Blackness consumed my vision and the weight was lifted from my chest. The screams of terror and hatred snarls were heard to me, but I couldn't see. I felt something wet, warm, and sticky splatter over me, but I couldn't remember what that meant. It felt like HOURS later when the screams and liquid stopped...

My head throbbed in agony and I just wanted sleep...

I didn't know if I'd killed Blondie or if Cayden was dead, but what I did know was that I'd never let the blackness consume again...

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