40 12 3

Kai pov

Past memories makes me feel suffocated, i have been always trying to bring out the best, do something extraordinary for my pack. So it would somewhat clean what my parents had done.

Whenever i start having a normal life, again a glimpse of past starts affecting my present.

Today have been really hard day for me, it would be better to sleep early.

Just after the dinner i went back to my room and there i saw

On my bed there was a gift box wrapped in a ribbon.

I took out my sharp claws and opened it in a second, in it there were three four Polaroid pictures of Aeri, wearing a brown bear huddy

I took out my sharp claws and opened it in a second, in it there were three four Polaroid pictures of Aeri, wearing a brown bear huddy

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

She took those pictures making a really cute face with finger heart, my heart just exploded looking at her cute face. My feets started dancing automatically.

Under those pictures, it was written

Don't make sad faces all day, it makes me to do something to get that cheerful smile again
And then i tend to do stupid things like this which i just don't like.

I couldn't stop myself from laughing at her message. Isn't she supposed to write a romantic one but this seems like a warning.

 Isn't she supposed to write a romantic one but this seems like a warning

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

But she did all this to make me feel happy, she really cares about me. Thats too much for me.

Inside that box there was a matching bear hoddie . Quickly i look out my shirt and wore that huddie.

I wanted to hug her so badly , so i walked toward her room

Then i met tune at the way

"You look really cute oppa, looking at your sparkling eyes and smiling face, you did like that gift" tune winked at me and i nodded shyly.

"I know bear idea would have been yours" i said to her

"Well , yes" she said nervously

"Thank you" i replied

"Are you going to unnie's room" she asked me and a nodded

"She called me few seconds before, she wanted some help, now you are going so I don't think she would need me" she said with a smile

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