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Today, we left early morning, he had to perform in the music bank award and we even skipped training today, what a relief.

I was made to hide my hairs under my cap, to make me look like a male body guard. As there would be many sesangs and reporters and a female body guard thing would not be digested by them.

I had medium length hairs so I was not hard to chip them under my cap.

"Aeri, do you like to dance" lay asked while we headed out for the venue in the van.

"Aeri, do you like to dance" lay asked while we headed out for the venue in the van

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"No sir, I can't dance" I said scratching back of my head

"it's so simple, you just need to keep the balance " he said

"You need to have feelings and emotions hyung to be a dancer, she lacks emotions" when kai didn't get to take out his frustration on me during training so he started here

"don't say like that kai, who said she lacks emotions, she is perfect with them, she shows her emotions were it is valued and she feels like to get comfortable" suho took my side, he understands me even better than myself as we have spent our childhood together.

"off course , she has emotions , see her cheeks turning red when suho hyung took her side" chen said and everyone started looking at my face.

I kept my hands on my cheeks, so they won't see them, why am I reacting so much too it.

"it's because, cold breeze it directly hitting my face, as this window is open" I tried to make an excuse

"I am so jealous, if it would turn out that she is my soulmate and now I am seeing her reacting to anybody else, then god, I will hate suho hyung for my whole life" Chanyeol said seriously

"I am not reacting to anyone" I shouted at him and turned toward him, glaring

"She was really blushing, look at her cheeks" Chanyeol said and sehun, baekhyun, chen started laughing  and I turned back pouting, they tricked me.


The venue was crowded with staffs, fans, idols. People were running all around.

"Stay with us, all the time" suho said and it seem like a warning, he looked tense.

They started walking and I was behind them, aren't I am supposed to be their guard.

"Hey sehun, does everyone in your company knows about your true identity" I whispered to him

"No, all but just some and let me tell you that we are not only one pack here" he whispered slowly

"There are more werewolves in this industry more than humans" baekhyun came on my other side

"Oh common, I know you are pranking me" I said

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