Weekend Away

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Started: August 29, 2021

Finished: August 30, 2021

Awsten and I have been working on the wedding plan for weeks now and I'm so tired of it. The wedding isn't for another 8 months but my mother and father insist that we get this done in time. I'd rather just scrap the whole thing and be with Scott, but I can't let them know. My father would kill me if I ran away with some commoner. Those are his words not mine.

Scott and I have officially become boyfriend and girlfriend. A couple days after the date with Awsten he asked me. I was sitting in my room working on something for my college application when he stood up from my bed and just asked me out of the blue. Right after I told him about the date, I didn't want our relationship to begin with a lie.

"So we agreed that my band will play for the wedding, right Nataliea?" I nodded my head not totally paying attention and I think that Awsten could see that. "I think that's enough planning for today." My mother and the other planners closed their books and headed out of the room, leaving Awsten and I alone.

"You ok, honey." My body tensed up when he called me that. I'm just not used to hearing someone else call me something like that. I really only like it when Scott calls me by the little names he gives me. "Yeah I'm fine. Just need some fresh air."

I headed to the garden and sat down on the ground between the tall sunflowers. "Nataliea, there you are darling. I was wondering where you were." I looked up to see Scott with his hands in his pocket and the bag slung over his shoulder. I stood up and hugged him tightly.

"Planning stressing you out?" I nodded my head against his chest while taking in the smell of his cologne. Scott placed his hand on my back and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "I have the perfect thing to de-stress you." I lifted my head up and looked up at him.

"This weekend, I was wondering if you wanted to go away with me for a little vacation." Scott smiled down at me as he waited for me answer. "Really, but what would I tell my family."

"Don't worry I've got that figured out. You'll tell them that there is a one time deal to walk around the campus for college. They don't really care what you do anyways, right." I nodded my head and hugged Scott. His large arms wrapped around me and picked me up. "We're gonna have so much fun." We smiled before kissing again.


I told my parents what Scott told me to tell them. They didn't really care so I was good on that part, but telling Awsten is the part I'm afraid of. He's been questioning how I feel about him since the only time we really spend together is wedding planner. I've told him that I want to learn more about him after the wedding and that I also am very busy planning for college.

I walked around the castle, looking for Awsten, ready to tell him that I'll be gone for the whole weekend. I was about to turn the corner into the library when Caleb bumped into me. "Hey sis. Haven't seen you in a while."

"Yeah, I've been busy. Doing some stuff for college." Caleb looked around to see if anyone was listening and pulled me into one if the empty rooms. He shut the door and flipped the lights on.

"Caleb what are you doing?" He say down on a old broken chair and sighed deeply. "I'm in love with someone." 

"Really!" I said walking towards him, excited for Caleb and that he may actually live a normal life aside from the way our father thinks we should live. "Yeah, I can trust you with a secret, right?" I nodded my head and pulled up a chair, one that wasn't broken but still old.

"Nataliea, she's so beautiful. She's kind, doesn't care that I may become king and the one thing I love most about her is that we are so alike."

"She sounds great Caleb." "Yeah, but the thing is, she's not like us." I knew exactly what he meant by that. "She's not royalty, is she?" Caleb shook his head and sighed again. I know how he feels about falling in love with someone outside of the royals. Scott has made me see that anyone can fall in love with anyone their heart desires. My father doesn't have the right to choose I can and can't be with.

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